Sunday, September 13, 2020

Words Can Kill

"Just because you've drawn the drapes, doesn't mean the sun isn't still out there." 

I lost a best friend last night.  She had drawn the drapes because she could no longer see the sun.  She no longer felt the warmth of it hitting her face and infusing her with Hope and Peace...and she felt the weight of this world crushing longer able to breathe.  
It doesn't make sense.  And the only comfort I have is that I know....without an ounce of doubt....that she is finally able to breathe again.  She is no longer carrying the rocks of despair up the mountain she had been struggling to climb.  She is Home.  She is Healed.  And I will see her again soon.  This I'm positive of.  I pray for her family as they desperately try to put the pieces of their lives back together without her.  I pray for myself as I continue to ask "Did I do enough?"
I will never forget Terri Ruyle.  She was the one who texted me in the middle of the stormy nights after we flooded saying, "I know you're awake and I know you're scared of the storms, Liz.  I'm here.....praying for you."  This happened more times than I can count.  But did I pray enough for her when she was in the middle of her storm?

And that's a question we all must ask of ourselves.  

"Earth Has No Sorrow
That Heaven Can't Heal"

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