Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Finish Line To Multiple Sclerosis


AS WE NEAR THE FINISH LINE for collecting donations for the Multiple Sclerosis Round Up Bike Ride 2021 this Saturday to beat MS, I thought I would share one more story about Chuck you may not have known about him.

He lived with Multiple Sclerosis for a little over 30 years. One minute he was cutting wood, the next he was on the ground and couldn't walk. Just like that. Welcome to the World of Multiple Sclerosis.

During those 30 years, he lost his eyesight for a short time only to have it come back after a week. He couldn't feel his feet at all, so when he was able to walk, his eyes were always on his feet confirming they were where they were suppose to be. This ultimately caused him to run into a steel exterior stairwell and break his neck in 2000 as he was verifying where his feet were.

He lost many of his teeth due to years of steroids which also damaged his heart; and he took steroids knowing this would most likely cause problems elsewhere. But his philosophy on life till the day he died was "Quality over Quantity".

All of these things might have slowed him down a bit, but it never stopped him. Never.

He rode shotgun all over this great country of ours on the back of a Honda Goldwing Trike after teaching his wife (me) how to drive one so he could feel the wind in his face once again just as he had in the days prior to Multiple Sclerosis. Not many men would have been man enough to do that. But Chuck did.

Why? Because he wanted to live while he was living.

Won't you consider sponsoring our team PRESS ON to help in the defeat of Multiple Sclerosis? It's tax deductible and who knows, maybe YOUR donation will be the donation that finds the cure!! Thanks! Liz Calloway Etheridge

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