Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Only Scars Are In Heaven


Each year for the past 4 years, November 5 has started a week ahead of itself.

We remember where we were, what we were doing, things we were feeling during that last week.....Chuck and Cyndi’s final week on this earth.....and we’re grateful for the blessings in the struggles of this life.

I woke that morning, November 5, 2018, placed my hand on my sleeping husband’s chest next to me just as I did most every morning,
and felt his heart quietly beating. Thirty minutes later, the last grain of sand fell in his hourglass of time and that same heart came to a stop. Four hours later, as they drove my husband to the funeral home, a man in Ft. Worth found himself standing in a hospital room as he watched his wife Cyndi go into cardiac arrest. Same Day.....Same Morning.....Wayne and I found ourselves suddenly alone.

And I'm reminded by this sudden and unexpected exit from this world of ours that we never know when that last grain of sand called our-life-on-this-earth will fall from our hourglass of time. We were never promised tomorrow....just this moment we're standing in right now.....and what we do with this moment is all that matters. How we live our lives.....what we do with the time we are given...and most importantly, WHO we put our trust in.

Live life fully, friends....just like Chuck Etheridge did. Just like Cyndi Sekerke did. Love deeply and make sure, friends, that your last day on this earth becomes your first day in Heaven. It's the only thing that matters.

“I know the road you walked was anything but easy, Chuck and Cyndi....

You picked up your share of scars along the way
Oh but now you’re standing in the sun
You’ve fought your fight and your race is run
The pain is all a million miles away

The only scars in Heaven
They won’t belong to either of you
There’ll be no such thing as broken
And all the old will be made new

And the thought that makes me smile now
Even as the tears fall down
Is that the only scars in Heaven
Are on the hands that hold you now”
(Scars In Heaven, Casting Crowns)

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