Monday, September 4, 2023

I Labored On Labor Day In The Mountains of Fairview

September 4, 2023

This Labor Day weekend was originally suppose to be a CRAZY FUN weekend with our buds Amy and Craig Keever, biking from their home through the beautiful hills and roads of Arkansas.

But our sweet 16-year old Molly has been feeling a bit "poopy" these past few weeks, so we delayed our biking adventure with the Keever's for a moment down the road.

We chose instead to bike close to home. Fairview. Grabbed the bikes at dawn this morning, loaded them on the bumper and headed out to meet our friend, Barney, at the Trek Store to explore new roads and adventures a spit from our home.

And a 24 cool miles later, we landed back where we began. I won't lie.....I had an e-bike which propelled me when I started hyperventilating from the mountains of Fairview, but my Wayne and 77-year old Barney kicked those smoky mountains of Fairview to the curb. I couldn't have been more proud of those two....and THANKFUL I wasn't them.

I could "feel" the heat from their calves all the way to my fabulous e-bike.....

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