Tuesday, December 12, 2023

That Still Small Voice.....of God

"We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps."
Proverbs 16:9

Sometimes....you find yourself where you never expected to find yourself.

Last year, Wayne and I sold both of our houses.....built a sweet home in an adult community in Mansfield near friends and family we loved and wanted desperately to live near. We carefully picked out the perfect lot....picked the perfect floor plan...picked the perfect light fixtures and picked the perfect scriptures to write on the studs of this new house in this chapter of our lives.

But there were problems with the construction....problems with the build....and one night, in a hotel bathroom with the cat, the dog and a litter box after 5 closing delays and 2 days before the 6th scheduled closing on this house we had spent a year building, we said "No". This isn't right.

And we found ourselves moving back near where we had just come from. An adult community near McKinney....an hour away from where we had dreamed and planned for a year to live.

It's been a crazy year and .we have dealt with many things....i.e., those who didn't understand and agree with our decision to move back....remodeling a 16 year old house....finding a new church and building a new life. But I am beyond proud of us for doing the "hard" thing...for walking away when we knew it wasn't right. We heard clearly that still small voice of God.

And this is our first Christmas in "our" new home. A place where "community" is greater than the "house"....and we are discovering that community turns any house....into a HOME.

Merry Christmas from our Home to Yours.

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