Thursday, April 18, 2024

Tuesdays With Pappo - These Hands

 Tuesdays With Pappo

April 18, 2024

These hands.....they've seen a lot of life..

They caressed my blubbery skin as an infant....they spanked me quite often as a pre-teen....they frantically grabbed the steering wheel while teaching me to drive as a teenager....they handed my hand over in marriage as an adult....and they placed themselves on the casket of our Mom as his way of saying "Goodbye" to his wife.

These hands.....the hands this week that, when I asked him where he got the Dallas Cowboy eye glass holder on his end table, he looked me in the eye and, knowing I was desperately not a Dallas Cowboy fan (because of Jerry Jones), promptly started ripping the Cowboy logo off.

Now that's TRUE LOVE, folks!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tuesdays With Pappo - Incarceration

 Tuesdays With Pappo.....on Thursday.

April 12, 2024

Pappo Has Been Incarcerated.

Or so he says. When we first moved Pappo 2 years ago from his home of 60+ years in Garland to his new community in Keene (a community he always said he wanted to live in, by-the-way), he pointed towards his new apartment building and firmly stated to his new son-in-law Wayne, "That's where they're incarcerating me."

Such a drama king.

He was half kidding/half serious at the time, but two years later, he's still using that as his "catch phrase" whenever he wants a reaction. Us three kids just roll our eyes.

Truth is, he has great friends living among him here. The women love that he kisses the tops of their heads in the dining room and tells them how pretty they are. He has coffee with the men. He leaves sweet notes for the dining staff on his napkin. And he has become quite "settled" in and happy here.

Last week, he said he wanted to put a picture of himself behind bars on his apartment door. His "Incarceration" has become his identity here. So I thought to myself..."If he's going to talk the talk....I'm going to walk the walk" and surprised him yesterday with a picture of himself behind bars that is now proudly hanging outside his door with the sign, "Can't Fix Stupid".

Yep.....Welcome to Cell 108!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Tuesdays With Pappo - This Man

 Tuesdays With Pappo (On Thursday this week)

April 4, 2024

This Man......

I call him Pappo (Pop-O).....
He calls me Softie....

It's been my name since the day I was born.....He named me that after seeing his fat rolly-polly 3rd child laying in the bassinet. I'm not sure he even knows my real name.

It's always been Softie.

I used to BEG him not to call me that in front of my friends when I was a teenager. Funny how we change with time. Now I cherish hearing the name Softie fall out of his mouth....
