Sunday, April 30, 2017

GROWING SEEDS: Road to Ammeus: Valley of Shadow of Death or Road to Life


Road to Ammeus:
Valley of Shadow of Death or Road to Life

Today......marks 5 years since Mom died.   Just hours before she left this earth for good in a quaint simple home in Garland, my entire family held hands while gathered around her bed and prayed the Lords Prayer over this shell-of-a-woman who had shaped and glued her family together while on this earth. 
When people simply let their scars meet - Healing Truth can meet their scars.

We knew our time with her was short....and we knew she was walking at that very moment through the Shadow of Death.  We walked this death trail with her until we came to the split in the road.  We kissed her good-bye, told her we would see her soon and sent her down the path to the Road to Life....all the while blowing her kisses as she never looked back.

Our hearts were broke, cracked, bleeding and scarred.....much like Christ's body.....yet strangely peaceful.

And this day of remembering a Mom so deeply loved, who walked a hilly and dusty path with each of her kids and grand kids, teaching us all what the love of Christ looked like, is the same path Christ walked with His two followers that important day He walked to Ammeus.  A road between the Shadow of Death and the Road to Life.

"...and their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him..."
~ Luke 24:31

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