Sunday, April 16, 2017




It's Easter Sunday......

This week, I tripped over the cat and busted my face on the hardwood floor, leaving me in a crime-scene-sized pool of blood, requiring a trip to the ER and gorilla glue that now looks like a goatee on my chin.....

This week, I missed an entire night of sleep.....jumping at each thunder crash....closing my eyes at each bolt of lightening...and holding my hands to my ears to avoid hearing the pounding rain on a roof that has seen too much rain....

This week, I put my beloved in our unreliable handicap van and drove him a 100 miles to an orthopedic surgeon to find out why he was in such pain in the one hip that was never broken.....

And this week......I. Have. Felt. Broken.  So badly broken. 

This week 2000 years ago, Jesus finished His walk through the mud of this world and arrived Home......He always knew this world was not His home.  His chin also was bloodied......he spent a long horrific, terrifying night without sleep.....and his hip hurt as he used the muscles from it to support His body on the cross.  He was broken.....oh-so-very-broken. 

He Was Living Life, Friends. 
Much like you and me.

A life that included blood, fear and we could be part of His family.  So this journey we're stumbling through, wouldn't be a journey in vain.  So that the blood, fear and pain we feel, would be full of hope and promise and love and arms holding us tight in the scary times.

Our Home is at the end of this road because of today.....Easter.....because He not only died for you....but He rose for you

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