Sunday, April 23, 2017

GROWING SEEDS: "So, How Are You Spending My Blood?"


 Jesus:  "So, How Are You Spending My Blood?"


It's the week after Jesus bled drops of blood with your name on it..a drop for Cindy...a drop for Harry...a drop for Kathy...a drop for you and a drop for me....and then His Father breathed life back into him.  Do we grasp the hugeness of this?  And yes, hugeness is a legitimate word.  I looked it up.

His disciples finally figured it out.  Although scared, fearful of the authorities and baffled over what just happened, they finally understood. They connected the dots of what He had been telling them all along......

And I sometimes worry......that maybe we haven't quite grasped it.

Have we heard this story so many times that we have become callous to it?  Did we spend more time thinking about what we were going to wear or what to eat for lunch on Easter Sunday, that once we walked out the church doors, Easter was over and we went back to life-as-we-know-it?  Did we remember the easter bunny but forget about the blood?

Friends, the story isn't's just beginning.  Because of that drop of blood with your name on it, the church.....the very church you are sitting in today....was being planned, organized, set up.....and the people weren't thinking about anything except that drop of blood reserved with their name on it and how they were to use it.

I never knew death could be so sweet.

"God allowed the blood of His Son to be shed.
What was His hope as He did that;
What does He expect from you?
These are things that you must
consider carefully."
ManHee Lee

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