Wednesday, June 24 - Diamond Lake, Oregon
First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR!!! We love you!
Well, we finally made it out of RV-SICK Park today....YEA! Although we were getting pretty used to setting up camp in the parking lot, as well as camping for free, we were ready to get into a park with sewer hook-up and WATER. We have been running our on-board water tank since Saturday night and, I've got to tell ya, Liz likes her long, hot showers and she ain't been getting any. Chuck's been timing me in there and I barely get my toes wet before he's telling me "times up". Errrrr.....I'm not much into this Dry-Camping business.
Anyway, we headed up to Cummins like I told you yesterday and we couldn't get the darn coach to fail. So, they couldn't do anything and we couldn't do anything, so we did what anyone would do in this type of situation and headed up to Crater Lake National Park in southern Oregon. It was a gorgeous drive up there and we landed in a real nice park within Diamond Lake State Park. When we arrived this evening, two dudes met us outside the office (they appeared to be Amish or something...) and gave us explicit instructions on where and how to park the trailer. They kept talking at the same time and giving basically the same instructions, and were getting irritated with each other for talking. It was like they had a script they were suppose to follow and someone wasn't following it properly. I finally made it past Laurel & Hardy into the office where their wives, Lucy & Ethel, were working. Ethel said, "Put them in G-14" and Lucy would say, "No, I'm showing them to be in H-45". Then they both argued over which site was best for our size rig. Finally, Hardy walked in and said, "No, put them in B-16. It's a nicer site". FINALLY, we followed Hardy in his little golf cart to our site; only after dropping the trailer at the designated trailer dropping site under the supervision of Laurel. The trip from the office to the camp site took longer than the 200 miles we drove to get here.
Anyway, we're here and we have arrived at a beautiful, top of the world place. Looking out at the beautiful snow covered mountains from the inside of the RV is breathtaking, however, once you step outside, you better run for cover cause the mosquitoes will eat you alive. EAT YOU ALIVE! I didn't think they had mosquitos in Oregon?!?!
So, here we are unable to enjoyably sit outside our RV (at least until we get some bug spray) with no TV, no Satellite and no cable, watching Mike and Kim's "Lost" series from Seasons 1, 2 and 3. Oh well, I've been meaning to do that for awhile anyway!
Tomorrow I promise GORGEOUS pictures of waterfalls, craters, diamonds and mosquito bites!!!!
BTW, the pictures above are of: 1) Lucy & Laurel 2) View of Crater Lake 3) Laurel & Hardy
This is really exciting for me right now to read where you are at. Les and I will be going to Crater Lake with Tony and Sheila in a couple of weeks or so. You and I will then have something to talk about!!!! LOL (As if either one of us needed something extra to talk about). You are about an hour away from Sheila. She wants to take me to Sisters, Oregon that is about 35 miles east of Eugene. I think that there are three mountain peaks called sisters and the town is a quaint tourist town. They have a quilt festival the 11th and 12th, I think, and I had hoped that we could go to that, but we will be in CA that weekend. Sunday, July 5 they are having an arts and crafts show with vendors. I had hoped for that also, but neither is going to pan out. Okay, though, because I will be doing something else with Sheila and Tony on the 11th and 12th.
Love your daily reports.
Everything looks good from here Liz/Chuck. Thanks!!
I've laughed so hard at the message below!!!!! Hilarious!
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