Friday, June 11, 2010
As I'm sitting here in bed listening to Murphy snore and watching Chuck read, I just needed to share with you, my dear Blogger family, a tidbit of my daily life......
As most of you know, my Chuck received an iPad for his birthday a few months ago. He is happier than a tick on a dog.......hounded me every single day up until the day I could officially order it.......and persecuted me day and night on whether I'd heard from Apple on its arrival date. I've just never seen him get this excited over anything................well.......not since he received the Lee Majors Rechargeable Bionic Hearing Aid he ordered off the Infomercial.
Anyway, he's been playing with his new iPad for a couple months now; downloading new and strange applications for it and excitably wanting to show me each and every thing he puts on it.
This week, he downloaded a new application called "Soulver". As far as I can tell, it's just a glorified word processing app, but to Chuck, it's SO much more! He's making himself notes about everything; then sending them to MY computer wirelessly........not because he "needs" to, but just because "he can". So tonight, just before heading to bed, I notice a new message on my computer.......I see the following message he has written to himself on his new Soulver software:
Yep, the man needs a reminder note to check his dog's caboose for poop....aaahhhh....such is my life with Chuck and Murphy.....

"You need to hire a certified caboose inspector and let Chuck rest up...."
"Isn't there an "App" for that too?
OK THAT was funny....Bur...good idea, I've got to get one of them iPad thingies. I hear they do emails and stuff like that.
Oh Liz - you are so funny!
That sweet little Murphy is too fastidious to have poop exposed....showing.... or other gross are going to really hurt his feelings....screw up his psychie and it could get worse. Murphy said " don't promise me a good time and then reneg!"
ant ellie
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