Okay folks, we are 2 weeks and 2 days away from hitting the high road........."On the road again ......dadadadadadaadaaadadaaaaa...."; well, you know the song, I don't need to sing it to ya....
We will be leaving July 1 heading in search of cooler weather.....yep....we're done with the 100 degree East Texas heat and humidity.....Guess where we're headed....go ahead, guess.......give up???? The answer is, we have absolutely no idea. We're going to throw Murphy and Kruger, the 1-claw cat, into the RV and head north....bypassing Kansas, of course, cause we don't do Kansas........and see where we end up. Jealous yet???!!!
Anyway, we weren't going ANYWHERE until I had a chance to have lunch with one of my favorite people.......her name just happens to be Liz, otherwise known as "The Other Liz" and she hosts our Winnsboro Ladies Bible Study group each Monday night. Have you ever met someone and just instantly felt like you'd known them all your life?? If so, then you know what I mean about my friend, "The Other Liz"......I really didn't know much history about "The Other Liz", but I knew all I needed to know.....she's an amazing, incredible lady. We've never had a chance to just sit and find out about each other, but we were bound and determined, come hades or high water, to sit down and visit before Chuck and I headed down the long highway of cooler weather. So today was that day!

When we were setting up our lunch appointment today, I remember "The Other Liz" writing, "Can't wait; I'll be there will bells on!!"........which made me smile cause I thought to myself, "Ya, I wouldn't put it past her!" and then chuckled to myself. Well, as I walked into the Winnsboro Bakery and while still trying to focus my eyes from the bright sunlight I just left, I heard the bells.........a Cow Bell that is! Yep, "The Other Liz" had a HUGE cow bell hung around her neck and was clanking it.......I just needed to follow the clanking to find my friend. Had we been anywhere but Winnsboro where everyone knows "The Other Liz", they might have thought we both had lost our marbles as we made a scene laughing, hugging and continuing to clank the cow bell.
But a lot of blanks were filled in on these two Liz's lives; she learned about my history; I learned about hers. Amazingly similar in many ways........which just confirms one of my favorite sayings:
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Embrace all equally!"
-- Author Unknown
I like our Liz the best!!!
"We will miss you.. have a safe journey where ever you go.."
I love the cow bell and am thinking about being a copycat...adopting the bell idea. and you are right...I am alsolutely green with envy....you will be in some cool weather with low humidity and I'll be sitting here at 95 degrees and 99% humidity.....yuk......you both enjoy yourselves and drive super careful....take your computer and blog so we can venture in spirit with you as you travel....take care.
Love to you both,
ant ellie
I am not sure that the world is ready for another Liz. ;-) But then my mind has to remember that you are a one-of-a-kind. And no matter how crazy you are, you would NEVER wear a cowbell in public, right? Liz?. . . . . . . I'm serious here. No cowbells, RIGHT????
Well, if you do, make sure it's when you are with Charlie. He deserves to be humiliated in public after the comment about your "little" rolls, and your bald spots (aka "errant part").
I'm just waiting for the blog about an aspiring Liz wannabe. (Oh crap, you hadn't thought of that one yet)
OK, scratch that. You didn't hear me say that.
Sorry to hear that you won't be in Texas when we head down there on the 4th. My wife was so looking forward to meeting the "crazy blogger", aka Softy.
Just so you know, it gets 100+ here also this time of year. So you might want to avoid southern Idaho also.
BTW What's wrong with Kansas? You have an outstanding warrant there, or something?
You weren't kidding!!! What a hoot!!! I'm gonna keep my bell. Might need it again. It was a wonderful time over lunch - but was just a beginning! Have a great trip!
Love, The Other Liz
Hope to see you guys around the "hood" Happy Trails!!
Loved it as usual. I'd love to meet her - she's sounds like a blast! As far as going north, I'd avoid going further than Nebraska (in other words, avoid South Dakota and up) except for Montana and western Wyoming, which are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Have fun girlfriend! I'm going to Paris for the day this coming Friday with some girlfriends for shopping and a cooking class at Le Cordon Bleu. I am very excited about it!
Ciao for now,
As i read your message i knew it had to b Liz H. you was talking about. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever know. Have you met her friend Rita Ray? This is another true friend. I worked with her at hospital for a long time. Both love there God. nonia mcfarlin
Liz, I love it; and please tell the "Other Liz" that I really wish I could meet her too. We will be heading out again, hopefully, in August. Maybe one of these days we will meet up again. On our way back we plan to visit family in various parts of Texas so maybe...
Colorado is always a nice place to go.
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