Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Although most of you know what a huge FAN of Goodwill I am, I betrayed my beloved Goodwill this week and rang the bell for the Salvation Army in front of our local Brookshires grocery store on Monday.
Crazy as it sounds, I have always wanted to do this........preferably with milder temperatures, mind was a seriously low 37 degrees my two hours out there.......but WOW....what fun I had! I danced around a bit out there to keep the blood from freezing which, I believe, helped me collect MORE money ($$$) cause everyone felt sorry for me being such a bad dancer........
What will I change next time I ring the bell for the Salvation Army?? First, I will wear thicker socks and gloves.....and secondly, I will make a point to set my bell and kettle up on the correct side of was brought to my attention that I was ringing on the Baptist side........
Do Baptists not participate???
Way to go....As a Salvation Army volunteer of many years, I congratulate you. Next time move from the Baptist side to the Presbyterian side.....
Did you "shame" folks when they didn't contribute? Did you give them a tip when they donated such as "might want to check out those expiration dates on products before you take them out of the store"? :)
What a good person you are. I still donate old stuff to salvation army
This may be as funny as your trip this summer!!
“The Baptist Side”???? We shopped Brookshires for 28 years and never knew the entrances were denominational.!
Good job Liz.
Arlen & Doylene
Liz, no matter how hard we try, those pesky Baptists will always outnumber us! Love your blog. Jackie
...And for that, have a Merry Little Christmas!!!
I'm so proud of you collecting for the Salvation Army. I have a real warm spot in my heat for them.
I had a great uncle that was a Lieutenant in the S.V. army. He played the tambourine--lucky me I have it.
They do a good work!
I'll just bet no one could pass by your kettle and not put something in. I'm sure they all had fun watching you dance around and I'm sure you had some words to go along with it. God Bless you and yours this Christmas Season. Love, Lois
We are headed to Montana the 21st to be with our kids. Guess we will experience the new security. Think I'll go for the x-ray
Hey David, thanks! I thorougly enjoyed my time ringing the bell.....will definitely be doing this again!
I was told the Methodist side (our church) was on the opposite side of Brookshires and the Non-demoninational side was in the middle....LOVE IT!!
We didn't have a Presbyterian side.......I'll get to work on that!
Kim, how did you know??? You bet I "shamed" them.......I would say "Happy Hanukkah" if they didn't donate....."Merry Christmas" if they did!!! That's bad; shame on me.....I didn't really......I did, however, give a few of them "tips" on checking the expiration dates.......
Doylene, I must also tell you that the Non-Demoninational group has the middle between the Baptists and the Methodists.....but they don't get a door.
Ellen, oh yes, the Baptists participate......they just have one demonination at a time at the Brookshires.....the Baptists have the north door, the Methodists have the south door and the non-demoninationalists have the middle....they don't get a door.
David, sorry....the Methodists already beat you to that side.......
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