Saturday, January 20, 2024

What The Enemy Fears....

 What The Enemy Fears...

"The enemy of our souls knows who we are long before we wake up and realize who we are. The attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the FUTURE than who you have been in the PAST.

Your history does not determine your destiny."

Friday, January 19, 2024

One Step Is Enough

 "Faith does not concern itself with the entire journey. One step is enough." Lettie Cowman

Step by step, you're going to make it.  
Ask God to give you patience until you get there.  
He will.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The "Light" They Call Cyndi Sekerke

 "There Are Some Who Bring A Light So Great To The World That Even After They Have Gone, The Light Remains."

January 11, 2024

I never knew Cyndi Sekerke during her time on this earth.....but I know the "Light" of Cyndi Sekerke that remains after her journey here was over. She shone that light on most everyone she met. Just ask the friends and family who still carry her light around with them. They'll tell ya.

God placed Cyndi in my life in the strangest and most unusual of ways.....and I can feel her light shining down on me most every day. It's an honor to be her friend......the friend I never met.

HAPPY EARTHLY BIRTHDAY, CYNDI......I hope they serve King Cake in Heaven....served exclusively by the King Himself!!

Monday, January 8, 2024

I Will Not Forget You

 "I will not forget you. I have written you on the palm of My hand."


And we will not forget you, Chuck and Cyndi.

You both were written in the center of our hearts. May your bodies rest in peace, side by side, as your souls rejoice in Heaven. We will see you soon!

Wayne and Liz

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Tuesdays With Pappo - Never Boring

 Tuesdays With Pappo......on Wednesday this week!

January 3, 2024

Tuesdays with Pappo are never boring. You will never find us sitting in "our" booth at Braums Ice Cream each week staring at each other with nothing to say. My mom and dad had three kids....and of the three, I'm the only one with a lot to say. The other two are limited in their vocabulary and constantly saying, "We don't know where you came from, Liz"......

But I can tell you, I get this from my Dad.

Whether we're talking about him learning to play the piano, the mandolin, sewing a button on his shirt or how to work his new Cricut, there is rarely air-space between our conversations.

Yesterday, we entertained the residents of his Independent Living with a little "Heart and Soul" and had a good laugh when they applauded our desperately bad production.

The highlight of my week.....