Monday, March 29, 2010

My New Infomercial Idea......

Tuesday, March 29, 2010

This year I'll be 50.....geeeeeeeeeeezzzzz, how in the world can that be???  And lately, I've been really feeling the "signs" of know, like these bizarre crazy lines around my eyes; I've now got these "jowl" looking things around my mouth I never had before; and the worst...the VERY WORST thing that is happening to me are these scary, spine-chilling, hair-raising wrinkles on my neck!!  I have found myself lately walking around with my hand on the back of my neck pulllllllllling the skin to where the front of my neck looks nice and smooth...........

What to do; what to do????!!!!  My soon-to-be 30 year old niece, Jacque, (who, by the way, is in DENIAL that she's turning 30 this year..) was down this weekend for a Calloway Family Spring Birthday Weekend along with the whole family.  I convinced her to help me out with a little project I've been thinking about a lot lately.  It involved Liz's neck and duct tape.  Can you see where I'm headed with this??  As I pulled the skin tight on my neck, I had her duct tape it in place in the back.  Now, before you shoot this idea down, let me just say, IT WORKED!  I let my hair cover the duct tape and I looked instantly 10 years younger!  No was an amazing transformation!  I'm seriously working on plans for an Infomercial.......

BUT, there was really only one hitch to this instant, inexpensive, magical facelift hurt like Bat Doopy when it came time to remove the duct tape!!  At one point, my relatives were taking bids on who was going to get the "luxury" of yanking the duct tape off........I believe it was my sister who finally won and decided the "best" way was the "fast" way......I'm not completely positive it was Debbie who won, cause the pain was so severe, my eyes blurred, a high pitched squeel was coming out of my mouth and dogs started barking throughout the neighborhood.  This part is a little fuzzy to me........

But I can't help but think I may be on to something here.......I've got a little work to do on the details, but I'm well on my way to a new moneymaker idea here........

(Taking Magic Duct Tape Off)


David said...

Hey Liz
Always enjoy reading Murphy's Mom......Sorry to hear about you turning 50 this year. But I am also sorry to report that Ramona is turning 50 this year also. What is it with these old men and their younger women?

My best to you and 'your old man.'

David Werst

Rae said...

"so nice to read your blog and i completely agree about moving from the city to
the country..omg!( my kids would be proud of me using an acronym)"


Bonnie said...

I know, Liz-----all of these ‘old age’ things creep up on us, and then WHAM!!!!! Wait until the unwanted hair and really odd stuff starts to grow on you!!!!! It happens to take our minds off of the wrinkles!!!!
Love, Bonnie

Israel said...

Welcome to my world!!


Lisa said...


You are soooo - what's the right word???? amusing??? (crazy? goofy?) I love getting your blogs and staying on top of what's going on with the two of you. I always have all this junk in my mailbox and I'm always so happy to see chuckie2! I am completely astounded that I will be 48 this year - I cannot even imagine how that happened or that it is right. And I am constantly looking for the wrinkle cream with the most "burn" so that I can be assured it is working properly. My latest thing is hula hooping to combat that pesky cortisol depositing extra weight in my already short waisted waistline. I found this weighted hula hoop that I swear left me bruised the first time I used it. The second day was even worse and I had to keep telling myself to "work through the pain". I love it now - of course it won't work too well if I don't stay out of the kids Easter candy - darn those delicious Twix bars - what evil genius invented those things???
Have a great Easter weekend!
