Saturday, March 20, 2010
DANG! We were rained out of the Petapaloosa where Murphy and Charlie were being entered into the Pet/Owner Look-A-Like Contest.......and they had an excellent chance of winning the Trophy on this too! Check it out.......I can hardly tell them apart!
Anyway, Murphy was so bummed about it that he INSISTED on wearing his overalls and shoes around the house all day..........poor thing; he was so disappointed!
Now, I know what you're thinking.......Liz has lost her mind.....why is she dressing her husband and dog up alike and what exactly does Charlie have to say about all of this.............Am I right??? Of course I'm right......that's what I would be saying if it were YOU doing this........But you have to admit, they look so adorable together, don't they? Yep, they sure do!
So, since I've already lost my mind, why not check out the short little video clip of Murphy in his shoes and overalls! I think you'll like it!

I think Chuck needs some shoes like Murphy's to complete the look, or else Murphy needs a hat like Chuck's.
Give those two the grand champion trophy!!! The costumes are fantastic!
That little dog loves you so much, he just
follows you around waiting for a petting or
attention. He sure is cute, the suspenders
are really nifty...they surely would have won
if it was not rained out.
ant ellie
Tell Chuck we said Happy Birthday, he doesn't look a day over 29!!!
They were SURE winners!!!! Chuck will have to learn how to lick his nose!!!! Then again, NO! He he
...Poor Murphy....pure torture, he just can''t handle his shoes!!
"Very Cute
Our pets are part of the family..."
"I couldn't tell if Murphy likes dressing up or if he was trying to figure out some way to attack you wearing those boots!"
THAT IS HILARIOUS and they do look alike!!! Just measured the snow in my back yard....4 1/2 inches. Welcome Spring.
I don’t get to read your blogs every day but I try to read many of them. I really enjoy them and appreciate including me. You are very talented in finding something worthwhile to write about and you both do so many wonderful things for others and yourself.
God bless.
wat do i think? u r a nutter my dear friend but at least we can form a club!!
I think I can hear Murphy saying HHHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP everytime he stops. LOL
From Di Ann Holley
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