Wednesday, March 24, 2010
You know, living in the country at the lake is nothing at all like living in the city. For those of you who, like me, have never lived in the country before, there is a lot to learn. A lot! The bugs are bigger out here; we have armadillos in our front yard; killing a big snake is a common occurrence; you have to learn to sleep without the sound of police helicopters hovering over your house; AND the biggest adjustment; comprehending how the sewer system works.
Did you know that the earth was not created with an already established underground sewer system in place? My entire life I lived in the city and never once did I wonder about the sewer system. I guess I just thought the sewer system was created on Day 3 with the first appearance of dry ground. But surprise wasn't!
At the lake, we have something called a "septic system" in our yards. I had never heard of a septic system prior to moving to the country, but I "intimately" know all about the septic system now. Without going into too much detail, here's the lowdown on country crap: You have 3 huge underground tanks in your front yard, two of them have large round green lids; the "crap" goes out of the house into Tank 1; it sloshes around in there for awhile, solids drop to the bottom, and the "crap" that isn't "crap" anymore heads on over to Tank 2.....where it sloshes around some more, gets chewed on by tiny little bacteria bugs and then heads on over to Tank 3 for a final rinse. At this time, it gets mixed with bleach and then..........get ready...........dispels out your sprinkler system. Oh ya, you heard me right; OUT YOUR SPRINKLER SYSTEM (Note to City Friends: Bad idea to let the kids play in the sprinkler system in the country!).
Why am I telling you this, you ask? Because you need to know how dangerous these septic tanks are. You need to know what can happen if you run over one of these septic green lids with the lawnmower.
Shortly after we moved to the lake, we purchased our first riding lawnmower. I was driving along singing to myself on the mower when I came upon the row of septic tank lids. I remember thinking, "I should probably lift the blade on the mower before going over these" when suddenly the mower stalled out. Yep........the blade was stuck on the lid of Tank 2. Really Stuck! I've got to tell ya, my Charlie was none too happy about my trying to mow the septic lid! As we tried pushing the mower off the lid, it suddenly gave way and, seeing as I was on the back of the mower when it gave way, I next found myself "falling" into the hole where Tank 2's lid used to be. (I seriously just heard you go "eeeeeww"....didn't you??)
Actually, only half of me went in the WHOLE leg.......and the pain; ohhhh.....such pain! And there's my Charlie, my sweet sweet Charlie, looking back at me from the front of the mower trying to find the perfect words.....and all he comes up with, "Get out of there, Liz!"......
Now that the pain has subsided and the bruises are gone, I can sordof laugh about it. AND, I'm relieved to know that some good did come out of this experience. I no longer am allowed to mow the yard..........

OMG! The only thing that would have made that funnier is if those septic men in pic one had plumber action going on with their pants!
You are too funny.
Di Ann
Oh My Gosh! If it weren't so icky I'd be laughing myself silly!
I always have to “sorta”explain septic systems to my new buyers …. But not anymore. I’ll just hand them a copy of your email!!!!
First of all I don't ever remember you mowing.....but I do remember the aforementioned incident and I guess that probably was the one and only time you mowed. You are kind of making me sad - not about the septic but reliving all of our "moments" at the lake. Actually it's fun remembering - I miss you guys ALL THE TIME. The only thing missing from this blog is the picture of the proprietor of "For Shit's Sake" in his company truck - that really would have made me smile,,,,but probably not Troy.
We are scheduled to close on the 30th. You need to come by next week if you are in town after Tuesday afternoon to check it out.......and give me some much needed advice about so many things.
Talk to ya soon. Give my love and a big hug to Charlie and Walter and Becky Poo.
It is too late for me to be sitting here laughing out loud!!!! I will be giggling all night! Thanks!
The Other Liz
Thank heavens for city sewer systems....not
quite as bad as what I grew up with.... the outhouse! The pictures you find are super...
they just fit the situation. I think I would have
wanted to cut my leg off and leave it there!
ant ellie
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