March 7, 2010
Did you watch the season finale of The Bachelor?? I would have "liked" to, but unfortunately, God had a different idea (yep, you heard me right; I'm giving Him credit for this one).........
On the Monday of the season finale, I worked all day filing, filing, filing from 8 in the morning to 6 at night .....I HATE to file......I have often times thought I should pay someone to file for me since I hate it so much, but then I would have to live with the guilt of being such a lazy slacker and not doing it myself, so twice a year, I force myself to file. But none of this is the subject of this let's move on....
I'm going to admit something here to ya that I'm really not proud of.......I really hate to tell you this....but its important, so I must..........I was "suppose" to attend my weekly Ladies Bible Study group on Monday night; the same Monday night of the Bachelor season finale. UGH.....I knew what the right thing to do was; I knew this totally lame, unimportant reality series shouldn't trump Ladies Bible Study group, but I justified that I had worked all day filing and "deserved" to stay home and watch The Bachelor; afterall, it was raining outside and it could be dangerous driving to Winnsboro in the dark and rain......right??
So I stayed home....but first; I layed out my snacks, my bottled water, blanket and hit the Media Room recliner about 6:55 pm just in time to watch 3 hours of The Bachelor. This was going to be a big night; Jake the pilot from Dallas was picking either Tensley, the too cute, too perky 25 year old from Oregon that I had been rooting for since the beginning 6 weeks earlier OR Vienna, the 23 year old prior Hooters waitress, loose and easy chick (did I just say "easy"???) that all the others girls hated from Florida.
I believe it was about 6:59 when the screen went black, elevator music suddenly started playing and a message popped up on the TV screen that said something like, "Please don't call us. We are aware you have no satellite signal.....Please stand by while we continue to irritate you...DISH SATELLITE" Oh ya, I think I waited about 10 minutes before scanning the internet trying to watch it online....nope....couldn't do that. I then went on Twitter.....there were a few places Twittering it, so I jumped in waiting two minutes to find out "Jake's mom seems to really like Tensley..." and then 3 minutes later, "Jake's mom seems to really hate Vienna" and then 4 minutes later, "Jake's mom now likes Vienna"......errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........the whole time realizing this was God's way of pointing out the error of my ways. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ Oh ya, I KNEW!
It was a little over an hour into the show; our screen was still showing "Don't call us...." and playing Moon River as background music, when Chuck suddenly said, "You know, I think Kris and Steve next door have DirectTV...I wonder if they have satellite signal." We have DishSatellite, so it was definitely worth a phone call. Sure enough, they were sitting down there watching The Bachelor all along, never being forced to listen to that irritating music and waiting inpatiently for the next 5 word Twitter message. You see why I was embarrassed to tell you this? Well, as soon as I could get my shoes on, I raced out the door yelling back to Chuck to "Hurry.......I'm going on ahead of you" as I raced through the rain and mud puddles all the way to Kris and Steve's.
So here's the bottom line for those of you who aren't as shallow and lame as me: He picked the wrong chick.......oh ya, this typical hot-blooded male picked the Hooters girl who is best known to have stolen $5,000 out of her ex-husband's bank account for a boob job. All I have to say is "Good luck with that, Jake......I've got $50 on the fact Vienna will be history in 4 weeks...." If only you would have listened to me as I yelled at you through the TV screen!! And if only I had listened to that still small voice that said, "Go to Bible Study, Liz!"

They won't break up until he's eliminated from "Dancing with the Stars." I will barf when the camera shows her sitting in the audience crying.
Liz, I vote with you. How can anyone b so cute and b so stupid.I didn't understand how long she was married do u? The music they have started playing on some of these shows make me so mad can.t hear half they say.Take care. Nonia Mc
Well said!
Dear Liz, this all sounds like something from
outer limits (the TV program) as I don't have cable and only use the TV as a nightlight to
find the bed......will they tell you if the
marriage lasts or not? Poor guy....there is
more to marriage then a roll.....
take care.
ant ellie
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