April 22, 2010
Our dear, sweet, blue-eyed 15 year old Pound-dog, Callie can finally hear again; after years of being deaf and unable to hear a thing, she is finally able to hear perfectly! Also, that tumor growing on her side; gone! What took years to grow, took only minutes to go away........
You see, Callie went to the Rainbow Bridge today......
We had been struggling with the decision to put her to sleep for some time now; she was totally deaf, getting harder and harder to wake up and had a tumor on her side and on her eye. One day would be good; the next not so good........I've never had to make this decision before; my pet has always made it for me. As we lifted all 25 pounds of her into the car today and headed to the vet, we couldn't help but remember that ride home from the pound 12 years ago with our new 3 year old dog, Callie. Chuck and I spent weeks going from Pound to Pound looking for that "perfect" dog when we ran across Callie. She was bigger than we had wanted and had a few insecurity issues, but when the Pound said she had been found tied to a tree in a park somewhere in Dallas; had been at the Pound the maximum amount of time and was scheduled to be euthanized the next morning at 6:00, there was no question she was ours and we were hers.
Callie filled a void in our lives and was a very special dog with the most beautiful blue eyes you've ever seen. She formed a strong bond with Chuck's aging Dad and spent many, many weekends providing company for him, and he to her, until his death several years ago. She had a knack for irritating the little neighbor dog, Whitney, just by her presence, and Murphy never ever missed an 8:30 pm reminder to Callie to go outside by barking and hitting her face with his paw as she slept. She didn't know she needed to go outside, but Murphy sure thought she did.
Callie will be missed. She had a good life here at the lake and the freedom to roam the road with Kruger the 1-Claw Cat.....they were "Best" friends......and I know Murphy and Kruger are going to be lost without her; just as we will be......
My heart hurts, not just for us, but for the person who tied this sweet dog to a tree 12 years ago and missed those many years of love she gave.........

Sorry for the circumstances but have been in your position before and it is never an easy decision. Comes down to what is best for your beloved pet. Amazing how your other pets know.
How precious you tell her story. She is probably running with our 3 that are there and I bet they are talking about how we knew each other when, and finally met up at the lake.
Love, Mary Lee
"I'm sorry Liz. I know how it feels. She had beautiful eyes and sweet face!"
"I am so sorry for your loss ....she is free and will always live in your hearts."
beautiful story Liz........ Callie was so blessed to have a family that loved her.
I'm so sorry to hear about Callie. Even though they are old and have problems losing a pet is losing a memeber of our families. It is devastating. I am so sorry for your loss.
"Liz, so sorry for your loss. Those 4-legged pets can really capture our hearts and give us years of joy. She was a beautiful dog; beautiful eyes."
Oh....I'm so sorry, Liz.
Sorry Liz and Chuck! It's a very painful decision to make, but you will always have the memories of her. We still remember things our crazy Sheltie Romeo used to do...
Love you Liz!!!
(The anonymus said is me..Sharon)
So sorry for you loss. She was a sweet dog ,I remember . My thoughts and prayers are with you and Chuck. Take care and I will talk to you later. Have a nice week-end.
I am so sorry for your lose. She was a good puppy and i know you and Chuck will miss her terribly;and Murphy, too.
Ok, I know tears were in your eyes Liz when you wrote this. There is nothing left to say. S.
I'm so sorry! Just know you all gave her the best 12 years of her life.
Sorry for your loss Liz. Our dogs are family! I'm sure Callie had a great life from the moment she came into your life. That's the consolation I have since I have had two dogs die both of which we had to euthanize. Our last dog died in October and we still can't bear to get another dog. We miss her terribly. So glad God gave us dogs. Big hug to you.
"I am so sorry about your loss of little Callie. Just remember she is now in a
much better place and not hurting any longer. My prayers are with you, Chuck and Murphy. She was absolutely a beautiful dog that lived her best years with all of yall. I love you guys and little Whitney is gonna miss her as we all will. Just know we are here for you guys!!!! Enjoyed the evening, just wasn't the same without Callie."
I'm so sorry and you wrote the most beautiful letter about Callie.. I feel like I knew her.. she was really a beautiful dog.. My heart goes out to you because I still miss my "Rocky" dog I had years ago and he got run over ... I can still hear him running rabbits.. he was a Beagle.. So I feel your pain.. take care and remember because of YOU TWO Callie had a WONDERUL LIFE...
Love you all,
Cynthia and Ken
Oh Liz---I am so sad, but grateful, that Callie had you and Chuck for parents!!! What a blessing it was the day you brought her home, for her and you. Pets are like our children with the unconditional love we have for those so close to our hearts. I remember when you had the Rainbow Bridge poem framed, which we have on display. It helped heal our hearts and also gives us the sweet reminder of our sweet dog and the love we shared with her. Thanks for that wonderful gift, and my hope is that your memories help heal the hurt our your sweet precious Callie.
Love you, Bonnie and Dick
"Liz, I am so sorry for the pain I know you are feeling. I too lost a very special four-legged member of our family this past year, so I know how devastating it can be. I know that we serve the creator of the entire universe and yet He knows when a single sparrow falls. He has created these pets of ours and I believe we will see them again. "
So sorry to hear Callie has moved on ... what a good dog and companion she was ...
Oh my friend, I am so sorry - very painful yet also an opportunity to call to mind the things you loved most.
Much love
What a loving tribute...we will all miss those blue eyes.
ant ellie
I am very sorry and y'all will be in our prayers.
Oh Liz - I am so sorry........... this makes my heart ache for you but you know dear Callie is well and fine now and not hurting anymore. We dread the day for our darling Bo who sleeps with us every night and cries when he can't find us in the house. Our pets are more precious than some people as they are what we have made them and know our comings and goings and accept us as we are. You have wonderful memories of Callie and know you are so thankful you had her in your lives and she will always be with you. We have a lamp that can be turned on by touch and Kit, Bo's brother, used to turn it on quite a bit. I would walk in the bedroom where the lamp is and always know Kit had jumped on the table and touched the lamp. After he died a few years ago I would find it on quite often and still do sometimes and I KNEW Kit had been there in spirit. Doesn't happen very often now but I always look when I pass the bedroom and sometimes I find it on.
Thinking of you,
love, Jacquetta
OH Liz... that is such a sweet story...it made me cry, reading it. Its like losing a loved one....Bob and I had to put one of our chows down, that we had 16 yrs, and its tough to do it, but it has to be done. Thats right they are in Rainbow Bridge....just where Clietus is too!
Okay, I'm crying after reading this. My sweet cocka-poo Sparky is peacefully sleeping by me as I sit on the back porch. She is 13 and has really started to show her age over the past couple of months. I dread the day that I have to make the decision you did with Callie. My heart hurts with and for you.
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