April 14, 2010
Well, Day 3 of "Three women and an RV" went very, very well......the Gods were looking out for us and kept the rain at bay just long enough for us to find the perfect road with the perfect bluebonnets and the perfect wildflowers........just perfect!!
The perfect road was called The Willow City Loop. It was slightly north of Fredericksburg on a lonely little country road with many cattle guards, barbed wire fencing and millions of flowers.......and heaps of cow doopy. Oh ya, those cows had been fed well; very well.....matter of fact, I might could even tell you "what" they had eaten.......but let's move on........
As we worked our way around all the geriatric sightseers (people our age had to work, you know!), we found this little road off to the north that no one was going down. This was reason enough for us to try it, so off we went; and boy howdy, were we ever glad we did!
The first thing we came upon was a fallen windmill....JACKPOT! It was surrounded by beautiful bluebonnets and a "cistern" which this city girl learned was for storing rainwater.....cool! As I was trying to talk my sister into giving me a hand and booting me up on the ledge of this cistern so I could get a better picture of the surrounding countryside, I hear my Ant Ellie saying with quite adamancy, "No Liz, you don't want to do that....you might fall in.." Well, I figured it had a pretty thick ledge to it and really thought she was over-reacting a bit. And since I couldn't see in it, I held my camera up as high as I possibly could and took a picture of what was in the cistern......As I looked at the picture I just took, I was SO very glad we had Ant Ellie with us to keep us out of trouble...........One word about what was in the cistern: CREEPY and DISGUSTING! (Ok, two words).....
We headed on down the road until we came across this awesome ranch called Cottonwood Coal Creek Cattle Co.......This place was simply amazing and literally out in the middle of nowhere and at the end of our road........I didn't see any signs that said anything about "shooting" trespassers or anything, so my inner voice was screaming at me to "Go closer......" but again, Ant Ellie and Debbie were insisting we turn around.....I did, however, see this one sign that said, "We Don't Call 911".....hummmm.......
As we arrived back into Fredericksburg and sat down for some much needed hot pizza, here came the rain! It had held off just long enough for us to have the perfect day!! Yippee......
So, here I am finishing up my Blog in bed, sleeping next to my sister, listening to "white noise" from her "noise" machine that she has to have to sleep. In her defense, she did give me a choice of "noises"....1) Storm Noise (I'd worry about a tornado); 2) Wilderness Noise (I'm scared to death of crickets & that's all I could hear) 3) Ocean Noise (I'd be in the bathroom all night) 4) Heatbeat Noise (Ok, that's just plain creepy)......so I'm listening to "3:00 am TV-off-the-air" noise."
Tomorrow we're headed to a Tea Party Rally!!!! We plan on "shaking things up" a bit around here......

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