April 27, 2010
How many of you can say you've accidently locked yourself in the Pantry before?? Come on; admit it.......it's happened to you before too, hasn't it??
For some reason, my sister remembered an incident that happened to me several years ago and practically "PAID" me to tell you guys about it. An incident that my neighbors and my Bunco Babes from Dallas will remember all too well and that my family will be "thrilled" to see I'm writing about.
It's really no big deal; I would imagine this has happened to most people at some point in their life.............
It was while we were still living in Dallas and used the lake house for weekends. Chuck had decided to head to the lake on Friday for the weekend and I was staying behind to meet with the realtor on Sunday as we had the house on the market and people coming to look at it.
We had been seeing these pesty little gnats for weeks in the kitchen and couldn't figure out where they were coming from. I had narrowed it down to the walk-in Pantry (very, very SMALL walk-in pantry, mind you!) and had removed everything that I "thought" might be causing them. But they were still hanging around bugging us....... So, Friday afternoon I got, what I thought was a good idea at the time... turns out it wasn't; but ANYWAY, I turned the Pantry light on, stepped inside, shut the door, all in hopes to narrow down where these annoying pesty gnats were coming from. There was just enough room in the Pantry to turn around.....no walking around.....no squatting down......just able to turn around.....
When I went to open the door after researching the Pantry shelves, I couldn't reach the door knob. It had this tiny tiny little interior knob which you couldn't reach cause the prior owners had put these shelves up on the door that were SCREWED into the door which blocked the ability to reach the knob. At first, I thought I was strong enough to bend the shelf bracket, but turns out, I'm a weakling. Then I had a thought: "What would Lara do??" Lara Croft, Tomb Raider......I had been playing Tomb Raider like, ALL THE TIME, and was totally addicted to the Lara Croft Tomb Raider games (& yes, I'm aware I'm too old to be playing this....quit judging me!). I figured I could use some of my "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider" moves that I had been learning......so I stepped back as far as I could, did the coolest Lara kick EVER, but that didn't work. Tried again.....nope.....I was still a weakling (although I ROCKED at Lara Croft Tomb Raider Game....ROCKED folks!!!).......and I think it was about this time that I started hyperventilating.......The air started getting thinner, hotter and the gnats were driving me crazy.
I started wondering how long it would be before anyone missed me.......hummmm.....Chuck was at the lake and would probably call, but not be terribly worried if he couldn't reach me.....after all, besides being the Lara Croft Tomb Raider Queen, I was also the Welcome Wagon Lady of our Woodbridge neighborhood and was pretty much a "busy body" around the block (before you judge me.....that's the "job" of a Welcome Wagon Lady........so there!); the realtor wasn't going to be there until Sunday and everyone else around the neighborhood thought I was at the lake!
Soooooo.......I concluded it was going to be a long, long time before I was missed. I think I "might" have started crying about this time, not sure about that though, and then after what seemed like 2 days but was actually only 3 hours, the gnats and I started working together on a solution. I located a flat-head nail in the wall of the pantry that we used to hang stuff from; wiggled it out and used the flat head side to "unscrew" the shelf from the door.......WHALA.......the shelf came off and I opened the door!!
AIR! It never felt so good...........and those pesty gnats?? They were now my friends....
And that, my friends, is the end of this story. Sissy, you can send me CASH tomorrow for telling this embarrassing story.........

Ha ha ! You make sure Debbie pays up, that story was well worth it !!! So funny !
So with this story you have told me you are a better McGuyver than Lara Croft and you came out of the closet years ago. Wow these stories are getting better or maybe I haven't been paying close enough attention.
Love you
What a scarey time. I remember the Lara Croft games...and you were good.
As for getting a nail head to unscrew the shelf......that was even better
than what Lara could do.....I'm impressed. .....but you always impress me,
all the time. Love to both of you.
ant elllie
"Only you..."
Too funny - you are a gifted writer and BTW it's spelled "viola" pronounced vwala - damn frenchies - that's been the hardest part of learning this language
You Are Too Much!!! Love the picture of "you".
Liz, that was good. Make sure Debbie pays double on this one.
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