Tuesday, November 21, 2023

"Blessed", Was Always Her Answer

November 22, 2023

Yesterday, as I was setting the dining table for our first Thanksgiving dinner in "our" home.....Wayne and I chose to set it with his late wife Cyndi's wedding china....and my Aunt Ellie's silver. They looked perfectly at home next to each other.

Both Cyndi and Aunt Ellie may no longer be with us, but they were very present at our Thanksgiving table we shared last night with my son and daughter-in-law and our two beautiful granddaughters.

I am thankful for Cyndi Sekerke. She was a beautiful soul (who had great taste in china!!) that I never met on this earth but will meet one day soon. She lived a life of love and thanksgiving all the days of her life. Her favorite answer to the question "How are you feeling, Cyndi" was the simple answer, "Blessed" as she endured cancer.

I am thankful for Aunt Ellie. She was bigger-than-life and, although she had no children of her own, was the crazy cool aunt to everyone else's children....which included me. She would have been over-the-moon happy to see us sharing her silver with our family and, it may have been my imagination, but I swear, I could hear her robust laughing at the table last night.

"Be Thankful.....In All Things, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18


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