Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Grief....Is A Gift

November 28, 2023

Earlier this month, on the anniversary of Chuck and Cyndi's Homecoming, Wayne and I visited the DFW Military Cemetery...to hit the "Pause" button on life for awhile and look back...reflect and remember and rejoice on where we've been.

Having both lost our spouses, we have made it successfully through the Grief chapter of our lives.

As we walked through the rows and rows of headstones in this beautiful peaceful place, we ran across this man.....sitting quietly with his loved one. It was a reminder to both of us of where we have been....and where we will most likely be again one day.

We will all have to walk the Grief Road at some point in our journey, but may you find PEACE and COMFORT in the words of my favorite author, Ann Voskamp:

"There is no fear in letting tears come. Sadness is a GIFT to avoid the nothingness of numbness, and all hard places need water. GRIEF is a GIFT, and after a rain of tears, there is always more of you than before. What seems to be undoing you, can ultimately remake you." (Ann VosKamp, "The Broken Way")

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