Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ahhhh.....Life In A Small Town......

April 29, 2010

Life in a small town.......there's just nothing quite like it!  You know, it took me awhile to actually "like" living in a small, country town, but I can sincerely tell you, I LOVE IT!  Let me tell you why.....

I had been cooped up in my home office all morning today and was STARVING, so this afternoon I grabbed the hubby and headed down to Dairy Queen for a bite to eat.  We got our food, sat down and immediately noticed the lady at the table next to ours.  She had lots and lots of "change" and was separating it out in piles on her table.  She appeared to be talking on a bluetooth while separating out her change and was carrying on quite the animated conversation....... problem was, she wasn't talking on a bluetooth.  She was talking to an invisible person across the table from her.  I love it when things like this happen around us!!

She was quite the talker too!  She would ask a question and, before she barely got the words out of her mouth, she answered herself.  Then she would laugh.  A really BIG laugh.......she was literally cracking herself up!   And then I noticed she had this "thing" on her forehead......I was really hoping it was some kind of new bluetooth techno-type device for a cell phone, but I don't think it was.   Chuck thought it was a bolt......but I don't think it was.  Maybe a homing device......not sure....

We reluctantly left the Dairy Queen and headed on over to the Pharmacy.  As I was waiting in line to pick up my prescription, a middle aged lady that was much older than me, cut to the front of the line with her little "pull-along" to see if her Rx was ready yet.  The clerk kept telling her she needed to get to the end of the line and she just kept saying "Ya, I know.....I know....but I just want to see if its ready yet..."  The clerk finally just ignored her as the line behind me got longer and longer......Now, let me describe this "pull along" she had with her.  This sweet lady was probably one of the "first" people in Mt. Vernon to go GREEN.  She made her own shopping cart and bag.   It was a wheeled plastic crate with a plastic trash can inside the plastic crate with a plastic trash bag inside the plastic trash can on the plastic wheeled crate and they were all duct taped together.  It was very, very clever.  No need for plastic grocery bags for her, no sir-ee"....she was saving the environment!  Al Gore would have been SO proud!

But these sweet ladies got me thinking........ thinking about when I get old and decrepit and start carrying on conversations with myself and pulling my hot-glued cart attached to my wheelchair behind me everywhere I go.  I visualize myself at the nursing home in my wheelchair (my beautiful niece, Jacque, has always assured me that she will take me in when I get old, but even she has limits on how much of ME she can handle),  sitting by the front door of the nursing home waiting on someone to come that will listen to me talk.  And no one comes.....So I have no choice but to talk to myself.  And talk......and talk.......and talk.......  It's going to happen, doubt about it.  I'm also going to be hard-of-hearing......I just know it.... It's my punishment for being impatient with Chuck and his hearing issues.....

I only hope I don't remember who I am so all my stories are NEW stories.........
Me in a few years at the Nursing Home still Blogging

P.S.  I smudged out the face of the Dairy Queen lady in case she's your relative......


Ellen said...

How did you take the pics without them knowing? Totally oblivious I guess.


Ant Ellie said...

Even ordinary every day events are humerous when you think about them.
this last weekend, I was on an elevator and my mind was wandering, when the
doors opened and I got out....only to discover, it wasn't my floor. Well, I was not going to embarrass myself by getting back on...i walked down the hall
till I heard the doors close..went back and pushed to button to continue to the floor I wanted but I got to laughing at myself and almost doubled up, it was
just too anyone would care if I got back on....oh our egos!

I just love your blog.
ant ellie

Nancy said...

Liz-you crack me up-this is my favorite line of all today:

"I only hope I don't remember who I am so all my stories are NEW stories..."!!!

This is great-love you-Nancy

Ann said...

Priceless … my son is here from California and I read it out loud to him. He is always amused at the “characters” in MV … We had a good laugh!


Frosty said...

Toooooo funny!!!!!


Judy said...

What a delightful piece. I will be there right beside you-let's see, it's Mission Manor, right? My sister and me are going to have a suite. When we meet in the shared bathroom, we will be so surprised to see each other! Love this!!! LOL,


Liz Ryder said...

Dear Liz,

I have wanted to tell you for quite a while now how much I enjoy your blogs! You
are great! I also am totaly impressed with your decorating abilities. You are so
creative! This is Liz Cheever, your very old friend from DJA days in first
through fourth grades.. Elizabeth Ryder then. My husband shortened my name to
Liz 30 years ago and it has been that ever since. It has been so great to get to
see Debbie again, I am so happy she lives near by. Anyway, I just wanted to say
Hi! and to tell you how much I enjoy what you write. I'd love to see you again
someday soon!
Take care,
Liz Ryder

Jeanette said...

You know Liz I saw the same thing on Thursday of this week, at the Dairy Queen....we went to eat there too for lunch but must have missed each other....we thought it was a cross on her head....mmmmmm weird things going on.


Jacquetta said...

Hope we can be in the same nursing home together giving them hell - *:>


Jacquetta said...

By the time we are in "The Home" we won't care where we are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
