Monday, May 31, 2010
Hope you all had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend on the lake with friends and family like we did! Well, that is until this afternoon.......
Ok, so which of the following phrases do you think MEN should include in their "Things I Should Never Say To My Wife" list?
a) Honey, you are smokin' hot!
b) How do you stay so slim and trim?
c) You have the BEST personality of anyone I've ever met!
d) Hey, you have a roll on your stomach.
Yep, you guessed it.........As we were in the drive-thru lane at McDonald's this afternoon, what do I hear but "Hey, you have a roll on your stomach" by none other than Chuck. No one ever accused this man of winning any awards on tact and ya, I may have a little roll on this almost-50 year old stomach of mine, but hey, IT'S ALMOST 50 for goodness sake! Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........As I'm pulling up to the drive thru window, I'm saying to him, "You didn't just say what I thought you said, did you?" (This was actually my way of giving him an opportunity to retract the statement), but does he catch on?? Nope.....he repeats it! UGH....I think it was about this time it actually dawned on him that his future was at risk and thus, started back peddling.......Now at the drive-thru window, the little clerk asked how we were today and I promptly told her what he had just said and, well, as you can see by her expression.......she knew life wasn't going to be kind to this man for awhile.....
This whole fast food restaurant and clueless statement by Chuck incident was all to familiar as it reminded me of a statement he made at the Dairy Queen last year that many of you may remember from my Blog (see ) indicating I needed Rogaine. As I'm typing this, my head is shaking in unbelief and my eyes are rolling back in my head......
Anyway, since we had little Murphy with us, we ate our kids meal (afterall, I have a roll and have to watch my figure....) in the car. Poor little Murphy sat between us on the armrest first looking at me, then Chuck, then back at me, then Chuck........
Oh, did I mention we got a "prize" in the Kids Meal? Appropriately enough, it was a little rubber figurine of 3 little PIGS.......

ROLL ON Chuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, Honey, if you want me to show Chuck a roll on a stomach-----just to compare, of course, I need to come to the lake. You look just fabulous-----do you suppose he was just kidding????? Surely , it was just a joke!
"Tell my love Charlie that those feet are used for walking ....not putting in mouth!!!! Miss you both terribly!!!!"
If you have a roll, it must be a tootsie roll stuck in your is no where on your body as you have not one extra ounce any where....and don't believe those little pigs either!
love, ant ellie
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