May 8, 2010
A few months ago, a reader of my Blog suggested I rent the movie, Julie & Julia; a true story about a girl who found "herself" after a year of blogging and cooking her way through the Julia Childs Cookbook. I know to many of you this would sound MORE than boring, and I have to admit, the only part that caught my attention was the "blogging" part......cause as many of my friends can and will tell you, cooking is just not my thing. And to prove this fact, here's just a short list of things I'd rather do than cook:
1) Have a root canal
2) Be forced to eat vegetables
3) Have a colonoscopy
4) Watch Chuck's DVR'd Sci-Fi Movies
5) Get a public relations job at the White House where my sole responsibility is to show the brain-dead public servants how to sneeze into their own shirts
And that's just the short list....but you get my point. So I've been curious about this little movie and thought tonight was a good time to rent it (only after watching The Wizard of Oz, of course!)......
So I watched it. I say "I" cause I lost Chuck halfway through it.......but it was a good movie. And then again, it was a bad movie. I am SO annoyed with deceased Julia Childs right now that I could just spit, but I won't cause I'd just have to clean it up. But it did get me to thinking........thinking about "why" I have enjoyed Blogging with you and, in some cases, ABOUT you.......and how cool it is to have someone tell me how much they enjoyed going on vacation with us through the Blog; and how much it means to have someone tell me they passed the Blog on to their sister or friend in another state.......and how much I have enjoyed sharing my crazy, mixed-up life with you.
So, instead of being mad at Julia Childs, I will instead thank YOU for allowing me to be a part of your day........

So what are you going to cook?
ant ellie
"i REALLy enjoyed reading ALL ur blog.. u r very talented lady.."
Lulu Mae
I am glad I was not on the short list. Thanks for sharing moments of your life with me. They do brighten up my day!
Yo - love your message. We rented the movie and got so sick of it before it was over I barely watched it. J. Child/Streep way of speaking drove me up the wall!!
I thought the movie sucked and I love to cook!!! Keep blogging I love it!
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