Sunday, May 16, 2010
Just another weekend in East Texas.......
I know my girlfriends in Dallas are going to get a kick out of the new "style" that is taking East Texas by storm........It's called the "Ankle-Boot-In-Case-You-Step-On-A-Copperhead Capri" look and everyone is storming Wal-Mart to get this look! Seriously, this look is so popular here that I feel sure it will make it to the "big city" in no time at all. Neither of these set of legs belong to me, but rather to my girlfriends Darlene and Becky and, as you can see, Darlene hasn't been able to locate the "Ankle-Boot-In-Case-You-Step-On-A-Copperhead" boots just yet as Wal-Mart is currently sold out.....
AND for you guys, here's the latest fashion we're seeing making a statement in this fashion savvy area for you........Chuck happens to be modeling this one and, although he's not a bachelor and has NO desire to be one (RIGHT Chuck???!!), we felt he needed to keep current with his fashion statement and picked this up for a mere fifty cents at Goodwill.......Of ya, you heard me right! FIFTY CENTS! I could sell this right now, TODAY for $1.00 and double my money!
Now the next item making a statement here in East Texas are some wood printer letter blocks that I'm super proud of......Yes, I'm aware that some of the letters are backwards.....I think that just adds a little charm to this decorating technique........But I picked these up at a cute little antique/consignment store here in town for $1.00 each. What a DEAL! I only had to look through 459 blocks to find the letters I needed to spell out "Chuck & Liz".....
And last but definitely not least, there is a Cross that has been erected on the road to our one seems to know where it came from or if anything is planned to be built around it.....even people with clout around here have no idea who put it there or who owns the property. But I have a theory: Since we've lived here in East Texas, it is not at all uncommon to be driving down a two lane road and see a dead bird, dead coyote, dead deer, etc. laying on the side of the road; sometimes for a VERY LONG time. It always breaks my heart to see where an animal has bit the dust and had no proper buriel, so a few years ago, there was this HUGE hawk that had been hit and laying on the side of the road for a month with one wing in the "up" position and it was making me crazy. "Where is the deceased-animal-beside-the-road" crew anyway??" So, one day I went home, had Chuck make me a cross with two extra pieces of wood and I painted the words "RIP BIRD" on the cross, grabbed my friend and neighbor Becky, then drove back to where the bird was and hammered the cross into the ground. It stayed there for a few days and then one day, I noticed someone stole my cross; left the dead bird; but took my cross. Who does that????? Anyway, since then, Chuck has made many crosses for me; some for raccoons, some for skunks......well, you get the point. So, maybe; just maybe, someone was honoring something like that and had more wood than we's just a thought.

I want to go shopping with you!
I saw that Cross too.. I loved you latest Blog's.. :) so does my sister in Ca.
Hey Liz----Love the fashion statement!!! About the cross, do you think the KKK of east Texas I have heard about might be your neighbor since the current administration in power is making us all crazy??? Just a thought and be careful!!!!
Love ya, Bonnie
You are killing me girlfriend. How can one make feet, shoes and dead bird interesting.
Dear Liz, are those ankle boots "hot" like sweaty? Do you wear socks with them? For someone with weak ankles, here is style in your therapy!!
Love your Blog.
ant ellie
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