TEMP: High 86 / Low 50
"Lord, some days, we feel like a hamster on a wheel
spinning the same stupid mistakes over and over.
Help us to crawl off the wheel into the palm of Your hand."
I received the above prayer this morning via Tweet which was written by my sweet friend, Lee. Those of us lucky enough, receive her prayers most every morning.
I would have chuckled had I not been upset with Chuck when I received it this morning cause, like many days, it really hit home for me today.
See, there is a certain "issue" that, every time it comes up, causes Chuck and I to be on polar opposite sides of the fence. I claim he is too insensitive and dismissive of the issue and of my feelings and he thinks I'm over-dramatic and over-reacting. Crazy thing is; we're probably both right.......and we're probably both wrong.
I'm sure we're no different than any of you......we've all had these "bone of contentions" that are like a fire in your gut that, no matter how hard you try, can't be extinguised. This particular issue has reared its ugly head far too many times over the past few years and no matter how many times I try to explain to him what I'm feeling and what I need from him, he just doesn't get it. And I'm not getting why he's not getting it......sounds just like a married couple, huh?!?
Bottom line is.......its stupid.......just plain stupid and not worthy of the energy, time and anguish we put into it. And speaking for Liz only, I need to get off that repetitious hamster wheel, spinning the same stupid painful attitude and move on. AND, I need to accept that I cannot make him feel something that he doesn't. I'm just glad we didn't have this discussion BEFORE he colored my hair yesterday!
Don't worry......all is well in the Etheridge RV.........
well, except that Murphy has diarrhea again....UGHHH.....