Thursday, August 4, 2011

DAY 32: "God Gave Us Memory That We Might Have Roses in December..."

DAY 32:  Steamboat Springs, Colorado (Last Day)
TEMP:  76 Degrees

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."
J.M. Barrie

This being our last day in Steamboat Springs, we decided to spend it hitting the back roads of town...eating breakfast at a sidewalk cafe.......checking out the ski resorts......following up on rumors of a waterfall in town......caged birds on the street that whisle at you when you walk away.......

And driving a really cool vehicle to see where some of the gravel roads take us.......

Perfect ending to this beautiful little town.......


Anonymous said...

Did you find Fish Creek Falls??

Kathy said...

I hope you found the falls that sound like a steamboat! J Guess you figgered out that’s where the name of the town came from. Been there. Oh, I wish my ex didn’t live there. I’d love to go back to see if any of my buddies are still ‘alive’. J You haven’t lived until you’ve ridden on horseback UP the mountain for steak and guitar music under the stars….then riding back down in darkness with a yodeling wrangler…..after drinking a LOT of wine! :O Yodel ay hee hoooo~~~ Great memories.

Lulu said...


Ant Ellie said...

Sure sounds like my kind of day.....beautiful pictures.
ant ellie

Kathy said...

If you don’t get home soon, you may have to make room for me on the floor of your RV! I’m anxious to get to know you too. I am so grateful for your blogs. I know you a lot better than I would have otherwise! J You totally crack ME up! J

So just go skiing or something nauseating like that. Harrumph. Meanwhile, I will just be hanging out with my head in the freezer the rest of the month!