July 21, 2011 - Independence Pass, Colorado
TEMP: Lowest: 55 Degrees
Today we headed outside in our PJ's to say goodbye to our new friend, Tom, who was heading back to his home in Albuquerque. What a neat guy! In the course of getting to know each other better over hamburgers at the local "dive", he informed us he was almost 84 years old! Seriously?? Check this guy out......Doesn't look a day over 70 to me!
Tomorrow its our turn to pull in the awning, shake off the welcome mat, store the kitty litter and hit the road again......This time we're headed to Ouray, CO. Just you wait; Ouray is Ohhhhh so Okkkkk........
But today......let me tell you about TODAY.....
We headed about 20 miles north and then turned west on Independence Pass. This pass through the mountains zig-zaggs you to the peek past the Continental Divide as you head towards Aspen.
This road is the second highest paved road in Colorado; the first being the Cottonwood Pass we took the other day. Did I mention I visited Heaven today!?!
It rained, of course, on us and even hailed a little bit......the temps went from 79 degrees to 55 degrees in less than 10 minutes as we rode the curves to the top......
The "Peak", where next to a 10 foot snow glacier is a spring flower in full bloom.....
Where waterfalls are around each and every corner pouring down next to the road and two motorcycle riders can pull over, grab their snacks, water and a good book, and lay next to a stream and take a nap......
Which is exactly what we did this afternoon.....
It wasn't until we finished our snacks, water and book and were getting back on the trike that we read this notice posted next to the trike.....

Forget the temperature....BEARS......did that say BEARS?.....On July 4th, 2011??
Yikes. Will say a couple extra prayers for your safety!! Do you have bear spray??
Does anyone need to see an ophthalmologist? Sharon's husband is available (she won't
mind if I volunteer his services). Now I'm going to worry till you all get back to Texas!
Read the signs first and then enjoy the vista! I love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie
Hi guys, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I thought if your RV is 35' or longer you shouldn't be there, (Independence Pass) are you?
Thank's so VERY MUCH for sharing yur trip with me! I miss the high country trerribly!
The pics are great! I just today ordered a camera that I have been saving up for....have been without for a couple of months, something I never thought I would do, but wanted a certain one......
Travel safely.......
your friend, Jacque
You are going to get a kick out of this!!!......Just moved to Glenwood Springs and we decided to eat in Aspen then take the drive up Independence Pass on the first week it had opened that season. Pulled off the road, walked down to the stream, took bunches of pictures of this quiet beauty, then started back to the truck when we realized it was further away then where we left it. ( you know..get carried away walking and looking and softly talking..) As I started back up to the road I stepped over a big log and just as I was going to put my foot down, Gary said, "Stop!!" Big mound of poop was just under my foot!!! We laughed then realized this was NOT deer or elk poop....PLUS there was steam rising from it so it was FRESH!! BEAR POOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We glanced around quickly, and walked swiftly UP HILL to the road!!! (NEVER RUN, NEVER!! THIS REALLY PISSES A BEAR OFF!)
We figured this bear had been watching these two ignorant Texans that were goo-gooing over the "beauty" and decided we wouldn't be a good snack!! Or maybe since they were just coming out of hibernation..he was still in a sleepy, groggy stage!!!
I would bet we were at the same place as you guys!!!
Be careful!!!
whoa...beautiful !
Awesome glad God kept bears away..
Hey Liz, I took a picture of the same "little valley" a few years back!!
Ooooppppps! There's a lesson here - look, read, before you get too comfortable. Glad you didn't meet that black fella'. Be careful and enjoy. Miss you. Nyla
I want to know who takes your picture of you and Chuck together? without using your hands lol
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