DAY 19: Ouray, Colorado
TEMP: 72 Degrees - Stunning, Beautiful, Heavenly, Magnificant
Well folks, this is going to be short, sweet and to the point........cause I'm tuckered out and I just took a Lunesta.......
This is the view from our RV that we left in Buena Vista this morning........actually, this was the view only if you stood up on the electrical box, peeked over the wooden fence that belonged to Sanford and Son and then held your camera up REEEEAL high.....
This is the view while on the twisty, windy, mountainous roads to Ouray today.......
This is a picture that Chuck and I did together.....He shot the picture while we were driving down the road in the RV and I photoshopped all the bugs off the windshield from the picture.....
This is Murphy the entire 4 hour trip to Ouray....There was some serious "tooting" coming out of that boy.......We opened the windows, held our noses and even the cat hid under the seat to get away from it.....We seriously.....SERIOUSLY....considered putting him in the "basement" (underneath storage) for the duration of the ride to Ouray......BUT WE DIDN'T.......
This is the charming little town of Ouray that we are currently in and will be for the next week.
And this.......this is the view out our front windshield where we're camping at this very moment!
My Lunesta is starting to kick in now, so I'll say good-night until tomorrow.......

I like you but QUIT putting the temps on the blog it's depressing for us still here. LOL. We all can't be there
Barry L Crow
Roberts & Crow,
First I thought "Lunesta"....some sort of energy drink I haven't heard of....and then it came
out of the cranial crevases.....oh, that is the nonnarcotic sleeping pill with the floating
butterfly! That town looks like it is way up there....and the waterfall right out your own
front window! Such a picturesque setting. 72 degrees....rub it in, rub it in. No wonder you all like
Colorado so much....has a heck of alot going for it, really.
Have fun and relax...keep on blogging. I love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie
Awesome. Breathtaking. Sleep well.
Judy Boyles
You are killing me. I am at a writers conference. Thinking you should be speaking
Dear Liz and Chuck,
Hope you had sweet dreams! As an aside, when I was young we used to spend every summer with my Grandparents in Delta Colorado. We would always make the trip to Ouray to go swimming in the naturally heated pool and hike up into the mountains to find abandoned mines. You are bringing back so many memories for me. Thanks. Sandee
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