DAY 27: Still in Grand Junction, Colorado
TEMP: Still 97 Degrees....
Today we visited Colorado National Monument here in Grand Junction.........and Sam's Club.
I figured there had to be something "special" about Grand Junction; the KOA is pretty nice.....the Dairy Queen down the road is pretty nice; the two little Morman guys on their bikes were pretty nice......but what is special about Grand Junction??
My sister and Brady suggested we drive over to Moab about 100 miles away......but it was HOT today and I knew my Chuck would get cranky being on the bike that long in the heat, plus all he wanted to do today was go to Sam's Club, so after a little googling, I discovered Grand Junction is known for Colorado National Monument.....and it was only 12 miles away!!!
So, bright and early this morning, we hopped on the trike and headed the 12 miles to the Monument. It was like a "Miniature Moab" and really cool! I was doing the usual "taking-pictures-of-everything" when we came across this super cool rock formation, sitting out by itself, that had something red on it.
But I still couldn't tell what was on the top of this beautiful rock structure......
So, I zooooomed WAY in and imagine my surprise when I see Chuck and his pup tent on the top!!! ( Chuck doesn't own a pup tent........oh ya, and I photoshopped him up there).......
And we did finally make it to Sam's Club (once I got Chuck off the rock formation) where Chuck shopped till he dropped and Liz found a good book, and, along my new Sam's friend Vern, curled up on the leather sectional for $1,599, and read till my sweetie was ready to head home......

Use to live there for two years back in the early 80's. Don't know what is going on there now. Colorado National Monumet is a nice drive. The best thing about living there was you were so close to everything in Utah and sking in the winter or camping and hiking in the summer. They consider it a banna belt and grow all kinds of fruit in the Grand Valley. Enjoy!
Have a good time in the nice cool mountain air."
Was it a real red tent up there?? had to have been brought in by helicopter. You sure find some
unusual stuff. How can you all stand 97 degrees after being in the 60s or low 70s? I am beginning to think you are both teflon....for durability! Heat and cold resistant!
Stay healthy and be safe. I love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie
Hey Liz ....What photo shop program do you have and what was the cost. I like what you can do and I think I could have some fun with it.
Hello Charlie, did you have a hard time getting to the top and how the hell did you get down???????
Hi Liz.... its Mary and your mom. We just got done reading a couple of your wonderful blogs. We really enjoyed the one were you photoshopped Charlie ontop of the rock! That was hilarious! Also we are wondering if that old man on the jeep tour was really 150? Theres no way he could be that old! haha Alot of times I pull Dorothy up next to me at the computer in the hallway and we read the blogs together. She can follow along great! Just wanted to let you know we enjoy reading them and look forward to seeing whats next for you.
Mary and Dorothy
You are so talented. Photoshop. Really? J
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