Saturday, August 6, 2011

DAY 34: Just Flyin' Off the Seat of Our Pants.......

DAY 34:  Vernal, Utah
TEMP:  66-86 Degrees

"To love someone is to know the song in their heart, 
and to sing it to them when they have forgotten the words."

I know I told you yesterday I was going to throw some dinosaurs at ya today, but we had a change of plans......See, that's what happens when you fly off the seat of your pants in everything you do.....

Well, the trike didn't want to see dino's today, so we headed north to the mountains where the temperature was a good 20 degrees cooler and the scenery was of luscious Christmas trees and deep lakes.....ahhhhh.......Sometimes while riding through the pine trees, I close my eyes (I know...I know....I'm the driver) and inhale......I would seriously give my two sets of web toes to bottle that smell and take it home with me.  There's just nothing like it...

But we took this long, LONG, LONG (as in 50 miles) dirt/gravel road called Red Cloud Loop Road.......fabulous road, but about 32 miles into this road with 20 more miles to go and having only passed maybe 3 cars, we see this sign......

Sure wish they would have had the foresight to put this at the "beginning" of the road and not in the middle...

As Chuck took the right side and I took the left side of the road looking for bear, the only thing this duo came across in the form of wildlife was a couple cows roaming the road....

Tomorrow.......well tomorrow you're going to learn everything you NEVER wanted to know about Vernal!!!  You will be pleasantly surprised...PROMISE!!


Kathy said...

Sooooo sweet. Love the ‘saying’. It is so true. Maybe ‘someday’ I’ll experience that kind of love. If not here, then up ‘there’ for sure! J Glad you didn’t bump into 2 bears on the road. Cows are much slower!! Yikes. Be safe tomorrow and watch out for dinosaur tracks!!

Benjamin said...

Liz, I'm amazed at your talents of writing and photographing your travels in such an easy going, down-to-earth, barefoot style that touches the soul, and makes the heart glad. I'm enjoying your blogs daily... and looking forward to getting some of your books for our coffee table. Thanks for sharing!"

Lynn Jordan said...

I look forward to seeing what you and Charlie have been up to each day. Thank you so much for sharing your travels. You guys be safe!"

Kathy said...

If you don’t get home soon, you may have to make room for me on the floor of your RV! I’m anxious to get to know you too. I am so grateful for your blogs. I know you a lot better than I would have otherwise! J You totally crack ME up! J

So just go skiing or something nauseating like that. Harrumph. Meanwhile, I will just be hanging out with my head in the freezer the rest of the month!

Ant Ellie said...

I'm glad the cows were there.....that would have been fresh meat for any bears around! And the daisies.......we called them railroad daisies as they always grew along the sides of the railroads. Don't you just love their sunny look!

Take care and have fun. I can't believe a 20 degrees variation........our temps go from hot to hotter to hottest! Love you both lots and lots.
ant ellie

Lisa said...

We miss Murphy!!! Send pics of he and Ms. Molly!