Hey, guess what?? In two days, we are pulling up jacks, throwing the lawn chairs underneath, flushing out the black tank (for you non-RVers.....that's the poop tank) and heading to Estes Park for a couple weeks. Ya.....I know, we're not going far......maybe 3 hours up the road a bit, but we're in a bit of a dilemna.......
We are ready to leave Manitou Springs; we want to head to S. Dakota to meet the old dudes on the mountain at Mt. Rushmore, ride the black hills (or whatever they're called) and see all that there is to see in S. Dakota. BUT.......Sturgis is going on about the time we planned on being there and, for those of you who don't know what Sturgis is, well........let me see if I can describe it as its been described to me....Ready......here we go.....
Sturgis is a MAJOR motorcycle rally held in Sturgis, SD each year around the first week of August. Now, its important for you to know that this generally does NOT include us old Honda Gold Wing farts.....they (the Harley riders) will tell you its for everyone, but they're lying to you. They only like to see an occasional Gold Wing bike/trike just so they can make fun of us due to the lack of noise we make. Serious Sturgis attendees generally have a chick on the back of that "hog" (Harley) and sometimes she is missing her top.....yep.......you heard me right.....There are upwards of 1 million people who attend this each year (which is the entire population of S. Dakota!) and 1/3 don't have their tops on......the rest are covered in tattoos........or at least....... that's what I've heard........So, we plan on staying in Colorado until this little event is over and the topless tattoo people are headed home.....
Now, before traveling into a new state, Chuck and I always like to learn a little about their unusual laws.......you know, so we can be prepared. So we looked up S. Dakota the other day and thought you might find it interesting to know a little bit about their laws.....
1) "No horses are allowed into Fountain Inn unless they are wearing pants." I have no idea where Fountain Inn is, but rest assured, I will find some pants for that horse of mine before going there!
2) "It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory..." Now, this is a bit more serious. Chuck tends to fall asleep most anywhere and he's been known to "cut the cheese" on numerous occasions......so, we probably won't be going to the cheese factory.

3) "If there are more than 5 Native Americans on your property, you may shoot them." Solution to this problem is don't tell them you're a Native American......simply tell them you're from Japan or Nova Scotia......
4) "If three or more Indians are walking down the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired upon." No more Calloway Family Reunions in S. Dakota....No-Siree (that's Indian talk for No-Way-Jose!)......
So there you have it folks. Be careful if you're a Native American family visiting the cheese factory with your horse while in S. Dakota......
See ya tomorrow!
You are headed to one of my favorite places ... Estes Park! While we were there we went to some pass ... maybe Lookout Pass or something like that ... scared the hell out of me but was breathtaking! It probably wouldn’t bother you at all!!!
I’m so glad you’re going to see the “Dudes”. I saw them once and it was the most awesome sight. I remembering standing beneath the pines staring up at them and you could hear a pin drop. It gave me chills it was so cool, but then I was 19 years old and had barely been out of Mt. Vernon, TX .... so..... I’m eager to get your take on it!!
Have fun!
Ann Holland
If you would have just asked me I would have told you all you need to know about my home state.
We head out for Colorado after VBS on Friday afternoon. Start cooling it off for us please.
Estes Park is fab! Hope you have lotsa fun! Great call on avoiding Sturgis. I have a dear friend who lived in western SD for 4 years and she told me some stories that made my hair stand on end. We visited them and saw Rushmore (okay, checked that box!) but it is rather pretty there. Remember how we lived in North Dakota? Well, just keep in mind that South Dakota is positively mountainous, even in the eastern side, compared to 98% of ND (in other words, ND is FLAT, FLAT, FLAT, FLAT, FLAT!!!).
Pics are to exclude HAIRY backs and chests. :-)
Barry Crow
The Harley Party description is correct TAKE PICS. LOL
Barry Crow
You guys are having too much fun!!!!!! Hey, I talked to Tiffany and there wasn’t anything wrong with the seadoo except for some carpet on the lift that had gotten caught in the motor and made some smoke. I told them not to worry…….if anything happens…..it can certainly be repaired. I want them to use it whenever they want too and she understood. One thing that has impressed my friends the most who I have been bringing down to the lake is the way that everyone is so friendly, sharing and social with each other. I am even getting closer with Becky and Troy and that really pleases me. We had dinner at the marina with them and Tiffany and then
Becky and Tiffany went shopping with us in Winnsboro Saturday morning. Miss you guys. Come home soon. Drive safe as always. Love you, LISA
Oh Liz , hope you make it!!!
I love reading your blog. You crack me up. We miss you but I know you are having a great time. Blue zone over here when you get back.
If you see a horse with pants on and fail to get a picture to send out.....shame on you.....I can't wait till tomorrow just to see what goes on. those dudes in the last picture look like they have skirts on....is that a recent picture of Indians? I might have to hide my Indian card with these guys lose.....yeah, I'm from Nova Scotia...that's right, Nova Scotia.......sounds like a problem with your crotch doesn't it. ya'll take care and stay safe.
ant ellie
I'm still laughing...your reply made my day!
ant ellie
mt Rusahmore is awesome, David and I did that last
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