DAY 17: Manitou Springs, CO - July 17, 2010
Thank you, thank you, thank you...........everyone for voting in the RESPONSE QUIZ from yesterday!! We had an amazing response, thanks to YOU, and I believe my point has been made to my handsome nephew Lance.......It was overwhelmingly in favor of the "clean shaven" look!!!! Here is Lance's reply via text this afternoon after viewing all of your comments: "That is hilarious all the replies u got about the facial hair. I guess it just might have to go. I love the feedback and I love u." And my reply to him was, "One thing is 4 sure....they all think ur HOT and HANDSOME!" And his reply, "Duh".
Today was another we decided to head for the mountains......where its nice and cooooooollll......We found the mountains; didn't find the cool. But we did manage to get LOST and get a sunburn on my feet......
I have never, and I do mean NEVER, been so happy to see a McDonalds! We had taken water with us, but the heat was so intense (afterall, we are closer to the sun in Colorado than we were in Texas......right??) that we went through the water pretty quick. I just wanted to feel some air conditioning.....taste a nice cold, chocolaty shake and big glass of water...not to mention a bathroom. Ahhhhhhhhh.......
We were still about 40 miles from home when we started feeling droplets of water on our arms.....Water from Heaven, thats what I call it! We counted a total of 11 drops, but they were 11 wonderful, delicious drops of rain.........

Your nephew looks so much better without that facial hair. I didn’t vote yesterday, but it’s never too late. Those little brown legs of yours and those little white feet tell the story. It has been so damnable hot here that we are heading out on Tuesday for Cleveland, OH for 10 days. It might be hot there, but hot nearly 105 degrees like it was here today. WHEW!!!!
Drive carefully and have a great trip!
In search of cool.....the real cool that is. When you said you sunburned your feet....I thought for a second that you were riding the motorcycle bare footed......but you are right, half toasted careful and safe.
ant ellie
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