Raton , NM - July 4, 2010
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! I don't know about you, but I've never been so glad to be an American. Nothing makes you realize what you have except the threat of losing it. And I believe most of us Americans have felt our freedom and liberties jeopardized over the past year more than ever before. I am so grateful for what we have and the freedom to live the life we live.
That being said, today's phrase for the day is: LIZ: "Chuck, be sure and keep an eye out for bears while we're riding through the State Park...." CHUCK: "Well its not like they have a flashing red light attached to them...." Yep, we rode 150 long, warm miles on the trike today to Cimarron and then on to Eagle Nest through the Cimarron Canyon State Park; known for BEARS!!! HOT DOG!!!! Speaking of dogs, we took Murphy on this little road trip too! He was less than thrilled about being taken along for the ride as we were experiencing 45-50 mph side winds.....seriously crazy winds. My lips are chapped, my hair looks like crap and I've got arm muscles now that could equal Arnold Schwartenager........but we did see some awesome scenery!
First thing we noticed was we kept seeing these deer just grazing on the side of this long, straight, windy road when Chuck informed me they weren't deer but rather antelope. I'm still not sure how he knows this cause he wasn't raised on a farm, but it did cause us to break into song, "Where the deer and the antelope play....." It was about the time I got to "antelope play" when I suddenly swallowed a flying bug.......
Now, I know what you're thinking after seeing the pictures above; "What is that chick doing taking pictures while driving a motorcycle down the road with 50 mph side winds" right?? I did it for YOU, my dear Blog friends.....so you could feel like you were there with us.........feel better?!
We ended the day with Murphy kissing the ground once we arrived back home and heading over to the campground owners' BBQ dinner they were throwing for everyone. Met a cool couple there from Arizona who we have a lot in common with...i.e., Apple computers, Verizon MiFi, deaf husbands, etc.....and will probably sit outside and watch the local fireworks with here in a few hours.....as soon as Chuck finishes watching "Untold Stories of the ER" featuring a homeless guy with a carpet of maggots covering his leg and a male stripper with a boil on his butt. Oh ya, it's been a fun day!!
Tomorrow we pull up the sewer hose and head on down the road to Manitou Springs, CO where we hope to stay for a few weeks......Ahhhhhhhh......SWEET!!
(P.S....that's not Murphy modeling the T-shirt....just a random dog...)

"Where u goin"
Keep all these stories coming Liz, I just love reading about it all. You just crack me up !! Hope you and Chuck continue having a wonderful and safe trip.
"As long as it blows you to my house!"
hi guys,
Happy 4th of July!
I am glad you are having a good time, oh and I see you are enjoying some live protein .......I had a few of those in my past riding days.
Be careful, have fun, and keep God as your copilot.
your fav lmt,
"You need to hook a little side car on your cycle and take me with you !!"
You are so funny - love your messages!
love, Jacquetta
liz keep them coming.. happy 4th jb
"luv u blogs u have amazing way of sharing ur life with us.. THANKS"
Lula Mae
I just thought it was Murphy when he was more swelvte (thin) than he is now. Love ya Murph!
Was it a big bug...or just a little one? I am not going to ask you what it tasted like. since you plan to stay in Manitou springs colorado for a while, it must be cool there. I can feel it now...especially if I stand in front of the air conditioner vent! It is raining here
today, the 5th and yesterday at Busch, it rained most of the day. Ran alot of calls on kids with flipflops skidding and falling down...especially around the water hole sites.....some requested help but recovered in seconds and were on other rides when we arrived to help....then they started crying because they did not want to get off to get a bandaid.....so you just leave supplies with the Dad and leave...you sure don't want to cause the whole area of kids to start bawling.....no way. Today is weeding day
and laundry day...and trying to get some order in this house....just too much stuff, good stuff but still to much. By the way, was that a yard sale at the RV park? Talk about convenient....park, hook up and then go shopping. my kind of life. you all take care, especially in winds like that! Love to both, ant ellie
Hey you guys have fun...and stay cool. It has actually rained here and July 4th was nice and cool out here in Real Texas.
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