July 1, 2010 - Wichita Falls, TX
Hello from Wichita Falls, Texas!! On The Road Again.........
We are at the end of DAY 1 of our 2010 Road Trip and thought you might like to see what our goals from the next 3 months are:
1) Chuck's goal is to follow the Cool-Weather Weathermen. Yes, you heard me right; we are going only where the weather is nice and coooooollll........wherever that turns out to be!
2) We (actually, just Liz) are in search of the "perfect" Goodwill store. I'm going to check out every Goodwill Store in every town we go to and pictures will be sure to follow, so this should be lots of fun (wish you were with me, Sissie!).
3) Murphy is in search of a replacement for his Senator McCain doll. He got him last year while we were in Colorado and, well........., let's just say Senator McCain made it out of Vietnam a lot healthier than he did Murphy's toybox. After finding rain-soaked pieces of McCain in the yard after being mowed over by Chuck, and after the neighbor's dog, Uno (don't deny it, Uno!), knawed off one of his legs last year, Obama simply refused to pay for any more surgery due to McCain's age. So, a replacement is being sought after.
4) Kruger, the 1-Clawed Cat, is in search of a new family.......she wasn't too happy about being forced to go on this trip.
Now, not meaning to sound negative or anything, but here's the things that went wrong today:
1) For some reason, we have no dash air. Not sure why; but we're hoping in a few days, we won't need it anyway.....you know; we're in search of cooler weather!
2) A few months ago, we purchased an electronic Tire Sensor for our anniversary gift to each other (bet you didn't know that your 13th anniversary is "Tire Sensor" metal year, did ya??). After going about 2 miles....yes, I said 2 MILES from home, the thing is beeping its fool head off and driving me CRAZY, so we pulled over and rechecked the tire pressure manually which turned out to be fine. I see a new anniversary gift in my future......
3) How is it I can drive this tank through downtown Dallas without a hitch, yet I get lost every time I come to Wichita Falls, Texas??? Errrrrrrr.......
4) Oh ya, I almost ran over a bicyclist...a stupid bicyclist. While avoiding the bicyclist, I "might" have run a few on-coming cars into the ditch............stupid bicyclist!
So, there you have it. End of DAY 1 of our 3 month Road Trip. Tomorrow is a LOOOOOONG day on the road heading to Raton, New Mexico.......

’m so glad you’re “On the Road Again” .... I look forward to your daily stories ... are you really going for 3 months?????
Ann Holland
Have a safe and wonderful trip. Maybe if you don't dress Krueger in ridiculous getups, she'll decide to keep you.
Glad to hear ya'll made it through day one. Wish we could have tagged along, although the weather has been pretty nice the last few days.
Be Safe!
Have Fun!
Live LIFE to the FULLEST!!!!
Let's get together when you get back!
Jack & Jackie
I love it when y'all go on a trip!
Your blogs are so enjoyable!!!
Now let me tell you one thing I know for a fact (remember I lived in Glenwood Springs, CO for 3yrs. and then Steamboat Springs for many yrs. after that)....it does get hot in Colorado!! Our home in SS was at 9000 ft and during the summer we did have a few of those really hot upper 90's days!! You won't have the humidity but keep the sunscreen close!!!
Travel safe and hugs to both of you!
"What a great pic. I speak blessing to you during your travels. I pray you find the cool weather. Let me know where it is located. Can't wait to read your blogs, you are such a great writer."
Have a safe trip. WOW....3 months. I can't even imagine!!!
As soon as you get to cooler weather, things will be better. But keep on eye on the cat....her right eye looks like "there are ways to get even".....just watch your back.
I am eager to hear about your travels....they are always so interesting.
ant ellie
be careful, be safe this 4th.
I saw you guys pull out yesterday. Have a great safe trip and we will miss you.
Linda B.
Liz thanks.. Raton should be much cooler.. by the way Trinidad Colo is a neat town and only about 100 miles from Raton
hi guys
sounds like you are off to a good start..........getting lost, trying to kill a biker ( glad I do not bike) and giving drivers a heart attack. Best of luck for day two........try to take it easy on fellow drivers lol
oh you are sooooo smart!! We can't leave here until August!! We love Raton and all those places in New Mexico. Have a great trip!!
BTW - I envy your ability to drive a motorhome through Dallas. I can't even drive a car through there!! Jan
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