Manitou Springs, CO - July 8, 2010
DAY 8:
While cruisin' down Main Street Manitou Springs today, I was lucky enough to experience several "Phrases For The Day" to share with you.......
Phrase #1: Upon seeing Chuck with his cowboy hat on, a little girl with a camera came up to him and asked,
"Are you a REAL cowboy, mister?? Can I take your picture??"
(She kinda reminds me of myself.....)
Phrase #2: While eating an ice cream cone, Chuck said to Murphy,
"If you don't behave, you won't get to lick my shirt."
(Murphy knows there's an excellent chance he'll get a treat when Chuck eats ice cream....)
Well, they were funny at the time..........guess you had to be there.....

Well, did Murphy get to lick or not? Don't leave us in suspense.
You are too funny
Barry Crow
Not sure who is the cutest - Murphy or Chuck!
Murphy has a face a mother could love! They didn't have doggie ice cream cones? he deserves his own.
I love you both...and I love the blog and the pictures.
ant ellie
Chuck could pass for a character out of the greatest western ever made, "Lonesome Dove" !
I like that! Very cute
I've never seen a "real" cowboy wearing a Polo shirt! LOL
Bowie and Starbucks wait to lick my belly....don't know why....
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