Well folks, we accomplished 2 out of the 3 goals we had for our Murphy's Mom Roadtrip today!!
Goal #1: Find cooler weather. Checkmark! We found cooler, albeit wetter, weather today. When it wasn't raining, we were out shopping at Wal-Mart and Goal #2.......
Goal #2: Find a Goodwill store. Checkmark!! Found the BEST Goodwill store anyone has ever seen....it even had a coffee bar. Bet you've never seen a Goodwill store with a coffee bar, huh?!! Chuck was SOOOOO happy cause, truth be told, he's not a big fan of Goodwill like I am......Guess who we saw at Goodwill?? Go ahead, guess........I'll wait........give up??
As we pulled up, hardly able to contain my excitement on this amazing find, up walks Elvis.....or Gene Simmons.....or Roy Orbison....It was like a combination of all three.......how lucky is that??? He was only too happy to pose for me in front of the fabulous Goodwill store.....
I was still putting up my fabulous Goodwill finds in the RV this afternoon when I suddenly smelt something not quite right.....Actually, it was one of those smells that made your eye twitch...... As I walked around sniffing trying to find the source of the skanky smell, I look into the shower and WHOAAAAA......its filling up with "sewer" stuff.......
Now is probably a good time to tell you that we have been putting the kitty litter box in the shower when we're not using the shower.........Poor Kittie Kruger's litter box was literally "floating" around the shower when the sewer backup incident occurred..........It wasn't pretty, folks......wasn't pretty at all.....
After using half a can of Febreze repeatedly throughout the coach, we are now almost able to close the windows.......Unfortunately, our neighbors on both sides did move to a different part of the park.......
P.S. Did I mention we bought too much stuff at Wal-Mart to fit it in the trike's trunk and Chuck had to carry it on his lap.........which included a chocolate cake and a kittie litter scoop...............We won't soon be forgotten around these parts.......
Sewer in the shower: just one of several reasons why RVing isn't my thing but I know you guys are having a ball. Xxoo
I am so entertained by your blogs. They usually make me laugh. I LOVE the pictures and the fact that you take the time to take them. It's just really awesome. I'm living - again - vicariously through you right now!!
Have a great trip. Hope the rainy weather ends soon. Give my best to Chuck.
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