Manitou Springs, CO - Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Today was a "work" day. Unfortunately, even though the weather was 75 beautiful, breezy, cool degrees today, I still had to spend a great deal of time inside doing work work. Yep, traveling to paradise doesn't exempt me from having to do accounting work. SUCKS!
So, since this beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, exquisite, magnificent, divine, breathtaking, incredible (and yes, I used my Thesaurus...) day was wasted inside, I thought I'd share a few pic's of the know; Murphy and Kruger, the 1-claw cat.
We have actually "lost" Kruger twice so far on this trip and we've not been gone a week yet. The first time was on DAY 2 after leaving Wichita Falls. You may recall we were about an hour outside of Wichita Falls when Chuck and I realized we hadn't seen Kruger in quite awhile. After discussing it for another 1/2 hour, we decided to pull over at a rest stop to make sure she was still with us. After scouring the entire RV, we finally located her under Chuck's seat just minding her own business which, I've got to tell ya, was a bit dangerous on her part since he had had beans for lunch.
The second time we lost Kruger was DAY 3 in New Mexico. Chuck and I were getting ready to head out on the bike and couldn't locate her anywhere. My biggest worry was that she snuck out the door while Chuck was coming in or going out and he didn't see her. We looked EVERYWHERE in the RV......and I mean EVERYWHERE! Chuck finally suggested we go on out for our ride and see if she's waiting on us when we got back. It didn't help that there was a sign right next door saying we were in "Bear Country".....aghhhhhh
Upon arriving back at the RV, we were disappointed to not see her smiling face sitting on the outside step waiting for us; UNTIL, we stepped inside and there she was; crashed out like a princess on the dash of the RV looking annoyed that we had woken her up. But we just couldn't imagine where she had been hiding.......UNTIL.....we were watching TV that night and saw her, ever so casually, crawl into the underside of the now we know where her hiding place is and she doesn't know we know......shhhhhh
Now, Mr. Murphy has had quite the "Little Man Syndrome" while on the trip so far....... For some reason, he feels compelled to "talk" big when meeting other dogs; especially dogs that have him beat by 100 pounds or more..... Needing a break this afternoon from work, he and I took a walk to a nearby park where he left his mark on each and every tree and rock.....and even on a couple of nearby ducks. There can't possibly be anything left in him, but he hikes that leg up with such attitude......
So, here we are at the end of another great day on the road, in search of cool weather and Goodwill stores. Chuck is beside me snoring (oops....I mean, breathing hard...); Murphy is between us, tongue out, and equalling Chuck in "breathing hard"; and Kruger.....well....she's at the foot of the bed sharpening up that one, lone claw......
Life is Good........

Life is good....enjoy it daily.....keep breathing.
ant ellie
I love the animal pictures....that cat has a very sweet face.
aaahhh, those beautiful little critters, they are God's given companions. Have a blessed day in this beautiful land of ours!!!
-Sounds like you are having a great time. Be safe. Linda B.
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