Thursday, March 11, 2021

Meet Me In The Middle Of Your Story

“I once read that if a person has a part of their liver removed, it will grow back..regenerate itself.

I also know from personal experience that after a person loses their spouse, a portion of their heart gets buried in the casket or urn with them.  But much like the liver, the widow(er)'s heart can also grow back....regenerate itself.  It doesn't do it overnight....and it is often a painful regeneration growing process.

But given time, the heart WILL mend itself.

A few months ago, I met a widower who lost his cherished wife a few years ago.  A portion of his heart had also been buried in that urn with hers much like mine had been with Chuck's.  We shared the mutual experience of care-giving, watching someone you love fade and then the eventual death of a spouse.  It's a road no one can speak of or understand unless they've walked it.

And in our conversations on death, we discovered something interesting:   

 Our spouses died on the same day, same year, 4 hours apart.

Enter a quiet "Pause" in the conversation.

We became friends, talking regularly, sharing our hearts that were still in the regeneration process of healing.  We discovered that God was the most important thing in each of our lives.....and He had put both of us on the road to healing at the exact same moment.

And we discovered we were put on this road next to each other for a reason.

My time with Wayne has helped my heart heal and grow once again and I believe his has too.  We are now dating and taking our time to see where this might lead.  It's an interesting journey we are our paths our two hearts are now regenerating together....and how the parts of our hearts still in the urns with our spouses are still beating as strong for them as ever.  That will never die.  But the one thing we both know is that God smiled down on us, gave a wink, and is walking next to us as we journey on down this beautiful road of unknowns.  We are meeting in the middle of our stories....when our souls are worn....but wise.

Happy Birthday are so loved.”

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