Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Blessing of Pup Friends


This morning, I ran across this picture from this day in 2012.....Our lake neighbors and I decided to have a Christmas card made with all of our pets that year.

So we lined up all the dogs on the double-sided wooden swing Chuck had made years before and did our best to keep them still and all looking the same direction. We were like parents at a Christmas program trying to get their kids to be still and "get-along" until the snap of the camera.

I remember having to Photoshoot Togo, the big white dog in the middle, in as he and the other "kids" simply wouldn't get along.

And I smiled BIG as I remembered all these dogs running from house to house at the lake; no fences keeping them in their own yards, and how we desperately miss them all....except sweet Molly. The only one still with us at the ripe old age of 15.

What a true blessing each of these pups brought into our lives...AND....a stinkin' cool Christmas card if I say so myself!

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