Monday, December 5, 2022

Guest Post by Cindy Fulton


Happy One Year Anniversary to one of my dearest friends Liz Etheridge Sekerke and her beloved husband Wayne Sekerke
These two have a love story that only the Lord himself could think up - with both being widowed on the same day over four years ago, after having faithfully loved and taken care of their spouses during their long term illnesses, meeting two years later. They truly set a beautiful example of how to lovingly introduce and integrate two worlds of friends and families impacted by grief and the loss of a loved one in their dating relationship. 

As they moved forward towards engagement and marriage which was like a real life Hallmark movie, I often told Liz she should write a book on how they are doing this in a way that honors each family member. I’ve loved being a witness and walking alongside their journey together as they exude living life with intentionality, with grace, in Christ, and not taking their time together or moments for granted. 
 AND they are hilarious and FUN too, and are ninjas at the Couples Adventure Challenge! #lizandwaynesworld

One year down — a lifetime to go! Happy Anniversary!! Love you two to infinity 


Happy 1st Anniversary, Chief.
It's been a FAST-PACED year.....married, sold 2 houses, built a house, traveled all over the country, and each step of the way, laughed till I hiccuped as we waited to see who God was going to drop in our path that day.

Thank You for choosing ME as your 4th Quarter partner. Life is never dull with you.....What a gift from God you are to me!

I love you. #lizandwaynesworld
(Click on our wedding video below)

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