Sunday, January 1, 2017

GROWING SEEDS: "Do You Have A Spare Chair?"


Do You Have A Spare Chair?

The time between Christmas and New Years' Day has, for many years, been one of the most stressful weeks of the year for me.  It's the time of year when I hear from Mr. Stein, the CPA; a man of whom....I've been terrified of.

I don't know why.  Just am.  Maybe it's my insecurity as the Bookkeeper of everything financial both for our company and personal dealings.  Maybe it's because I was trained to be an insurance agent and not a bookkeeper, and when he mentions words like "Retained Earnings", he says it in a way that suggests I should know what he's talking about.  Yes.....I start stressing and dreading this last week in October.

After years of breaking into a sweat when seeing his face pop up on my cell, I needed to do something about this fear of our Jewish CPA.  So four years ago, I decided to spend a little time on these nobby knees in the closet before the scheduled phone conversation, and chat with God about this anxiety.  Who knows, I reasoned, maybe God had some helpful hints He could throw my way.....

He did.

As I said "Amen" and moved out of the closet and into the home office, I sat down at the desk and prepared for "the" call.  I knew God was with me on this.....I knew He longed for me to have peace.....and I knew He was standing next to me.... I pulled Him up a chair.

Yep, grabbed an empty chair from the corner of the room and placed it smack-dab next to mine and designated it "Jesus' Chair".  Now, every time I start to feel anxious or nervous during the conversation with Mr. Stein, I look over at Jesus' Chair and see Him smiling back at me with those eyes that say, "I'm right here, Liz....there's no need to fear.  Together...we can handle Mr. Stein." 

"Together......we can handle ANYTHING!"

The fears have been replaced by a wonderful friendship with Mr. Stein and no longer rules our conversations.   I simply bring my Consultant when we meet and now, my Jewish CPA never forgets to ask me, "Is Jesus sitting down?"

"I know the Lord is always with me. 
I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me."
Psalm 16:8

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