Sunday, August 27, 2017

Let's Get Acquainted: "Stan and Peggy Silva"


What does German square dancing, Parents Without Partners, a girl named Josie and the title "Ditty Bopper" all have in common?

The Silva's.

Stan and Peg Silva moved to Mt. Vernon about two years ago after a life in the army and a long stay in Albuquerque.  They met while in a group called Parents Without Partners.  Stan was dating Peg's best friend, Josie at the time, but it was Peg that Stan instantly had eyes for.  She refused his repeated requests for a date while he was dating Josie, so Stan did what any man would do: he asked Josie would she mind if he asked her best friend out.  Without even a slap on the face, she agreed and the rest is history.  They were soon married, moved every 18-24 months all around the world while in the Army, raised their three kids and finally found themselves "in the friendliest" community they've ever lived in....Mt. Vernon.

After getting settled into their beautiful Mt. Vernon home just down the road from the square, they decided to check out First United Methodist Church.  Like many of us, they immediately felt that ever-present "Spirit" the minute they walked through the double doors.  It felt like home.....and between new friends Harry & Joanna Earl as well as Pastor Jack Wallace, they knew FUMC was where God was wanting them to call home.

Their love for square dancing was put on hold these past two years while Stan had double hernia surgery and Peg healed from a stroke and broken shoulder.  Each time, their church family rallied around them bringing food and making sure they had a way to their doctor appointments.

Oh.....and what does Ditty Bopper have to do with the Silvas?  That was Stan's occupation in the Army.  Google it.....I think you'll find it quite interesting!

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