Sunday, January 19, 2020

GROWING SEEDS: "Groans of the Heart

So there once was this lady named Elizabeth.  She longed for a child....she prayed for a child....she begged God for a child.  But there was only silence.  Year after year, prayer after prayer went by....only crickets could be heard through her sobs.  Until one day in her senior citizen age, God said, "It's time, Elizabeth.  I am giving you a child."   I can only imagine somewhere between her belly laugh over the craziness of God's statement and the tears of joy over the miracle, she must have wondered, "But why now, Lord?"

Social Security had already kicked in for her and she was probably wondering if maternity was even covered.  The thought of a baby crawling around hanging onto her Medicare walker must have been terrifying and yet, the happiest feeling she had ever felt.  Oh, to have been a bug on the wall of her mind!

We've all been Elizabeth.  Longed, prayed and begged God for something we desperately wanted and needed; something we felt would be good for us....and wondered if God even heard our prayers or cared about our happiness.  Much like Elizabeth from Luke 1, I am coming out of a season of crickets.  God has been strangely quiet on certain daily prayers I have prayed over and over for years....begging for rescue....negotiating with Him and pleading for MY way and in MY time.

But as I step ahead a few paragraphs into this new chapter in my life, I stop and look back and it all makes sense.  The years of waiting....the deafening sound of silence...and what looked like unanswered prayers were just the opposite.  He WAS answering my prayers.....but in His time; not mine.  Because my time wasn't the best just seemed that way from where I was standing.

And in the words of Tim Keller, "Liz, when a child of Mine asks Me for something, I don't give them what they ask; I give them what they would have asked for if they knew everything I know." 

Trust God's timing, friends; it's always right on time.....

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