Sunday, January 10, 2021

"Feeling Discombobulated?"



“I am with you and for you, Liz” the opening line to my Jesus Calling book this morning.


 And then I read this day last year’s prayer in my journal. I had just turned a page in my life...passed the 1-year mark as a widow...sold the lake house and felt a "rescue" I had prayed years for.  A rescue I had begged God many times for.  My lifeboat had arrived and had delivered me to dry ground and safety and I could breathe once again without fear. I no longer considered myself "Job-ette":

I wrote:

 “I feel somewhat like Job coming out of the destruction and heart ache of his own life....losing everything including his family.....and finally seeing light at the end of the horizon....knowing that this time was coming to an end.  The despair and heartache, for whatever reason required in our lives...and then we see Your light rising from the end of the earth for us.  I wonder how long Job waited before he saw Your light rising on the horizon?“ 


God's timing.  If we’ll just quit looking at the world around us and the timing it sets for everything and, instead, look at God's timing, then our anxiety’s would be replaced with Joy and Thankfulness.  Because we can trust His timing...we can trust His plans for our lives...we can depend on being rescued from what comes next.   

The world is changing so fast....the life we once knew and loved and yes, took for granted, is going away.  It’s so incredibly easy to feel hopeless amongst the rubble of just this past week.  


But lets not forget; we were promised struggles as we journey down this narrow road: 

"I've told you all this so that trust Me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.  In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  John 16:33 (The Message Version)


Not trying to tell God how to write, but if I had transcribed that scripture above, I would most certainly have put several exclamation marks after "I have overcome the world" and then left a blank _____ for us to write our own name in.  It's that powerful....and it's that needed.  


Take heart, _____ (insert your name)......God has already conquered this world!!




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