Sunday, February 5, 2012

Flea Market Canton Weekend........

Sunday, February 5, 2012

No, this is not a side-ways peace sign.......

Nor some kind of "gang symbol"........

It's the total number of hours it took me to lose the hotel room key after check-in........

My girlfriends, Becky and Kim (you remember her....she was our neighbor that moved away from the lake several years ago and we boo-hoo'd for weeks and you, my Bloggers, were forced to listen to my whining....) and I headed to Canton this weekend to see what kind of trouble we could get ourselves into.  Unfortunately, no trouble was found, but we did find lots of other things.....

So much so that Liz barely fit in the back of Kim's truck.........


Lulu said...

i LOVE Canton but havent been there in LOOONG time.

Barb said...

This is so crazy. I have been thinking of you and just haven't taken the time to write. I really would much rather talk. So, as soon as I find my cell phone I plan to call you. Should that not happen I will write really soon. Last Friday Jack had a MRI of his head and I have been waiting for the results to write everybody. I pray all is good with you and Chuck. I'm sure if it wasn't you would not be out in Canton playing. I will talk to you soon.
PS Did you see Black Hawk had 48 inches of snow? If they had 48 you bet Central City had as much, maybe more. I can just picture how beautiful that must be.

Jacque said...

Aunt liz

'gang/social club symbol' I believe it is done with the index finger extended out ward, the middle finger slightly bent as to only extend the first third of the finger, and the fourth (the ring finger) extended fully but yes cocked to one side and a general slight up and down movement of the arm from the elbow downward to the hand; this movement being done in time to your vehicles rise and fall of its over-exagerated suspension. One must not show 'colors'/signs' either to a rival gang or in a rival gangs turf unless one wishes to rowel an argument usually ending with a knife or gun fight. It is however most necessary to throw your sign to a member of the gang/social club that you belong to. I believe one of the punishments for not throwing your sign or showing colors is called a 'beat-down' and can be quite rude.

I am cracking up as I write this