Wednesday, April 6, 2016

"Keeping Our Heads Above Water - Chapter 24"

Month 4 Has Begun......

This tough Winter is behind us and a fresh new Spring, a new beginning, is in front of us with lime green grass, heavy lightning, daffodils and wisteria growing wild on the sides of these East Texas roads.....and hope is in our hearts.

 Our general contractor, Mark Johnson, says we are about a month away from moving back home....a home we miss and are so beyond home-sick to be back in.....

When you walk into our home these days, you no longer have to watch your step to avoid falling into the dirt below.  We are now level with the walls cause we have a secure foundation and are now in the throes of sheetrock.  Sheetrock just has this amazing way of making a home look a lot more like home, you know?

We have been busy picking out paint colors, just waiting for Mark to say the word "GO" once the tape and bedding is complete.
We are opening up doorways that were too small for Chuck's wheelchair to easily travel through BF (Before-Flood) and we think we have a cool plan for the ugly bathroom window I can't afford to replace.....Pinterest, Photoshop and Jackie Carlson have become my new best friends......

To save money, we are spray painting all brass fixtures from gold to pewter and the new wood floors have been ordered.  Tile has been selected and patiently sitting in the garage next to the brand smackin' new (non-green) toilet.

Molly has this wild notion she is some crazy-great decorator, and offering her own opinions and decorating advice while at Home Depot has become a common occurrence......she can be quite sassy when we don't agree with her.....

.....and the missing master bathroom vanity drawer that had been lost since December.....has been FOUND.  After crawling on my hands and knees through our stored furniture in our neighbor's garage, a beam of light from Heaven shined brightly down upon well as the full box of Q-tips still in it.  Go figure.....

And the man that belongs to this ring?  Well, I can't imagine going through ALL of this.....including the monster rat eating through my Jeep's electrical system last week....without Chuck.  He has been solid-as-a-rock when I've been curled up in a fetal position worrying about how we were going to make it. 

It's called "Faith" he says to me....."Just Have Faith, Liz".


Mary Hodge said...

You are such a great writer..and photographer, Liz! Hope you are back home very soon!

Joel said...

she will be soon we are moving great

Kathy Rachal said...

What an ordeal...a Sacred Ordeal. Can't belieeeeve it's already been 3 months and going into the 4th one. Remembering the night of the flood and the next day...we said this was going to turn out to God's Glory. It will and it is. Obviously. Even that nasty rat somehow is part of His Plan for victory over this nasty blessed time of your life. So easy to 'see' this from afar. Not so easy when you are at Ground Zero. I believe you'll look back on this, Liz (& Chuck) and smile because you got through it and let God lead. He'll bless you big time for your faith! He always does.

Liz Hurt said...

It sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I praise God!!!! It's been a terribly long road, but a glimmer of light is seen. And through it all, you have been solid with the Lord. I'm so proud of you. You have taught us many lessons, dear friend. TOL

Lulu said...

Love u guys u inspire me. Glad things r working out from Lulu with love n prayers

Joy Stone said...

So glad to see things going back together, and that each piece is marked with the love of friends.

Nanci Zachery said...

Luv u guys. I would have comitted Harry- carry. Good luck and best wishes. Your new home will be even better than old home .

Mary Lee said...

If Chuck is not saying "Have Faith, Liz, you are saying "Have Faith, Chuck! God bless you both, and I know he has, is and will always do just that. Ya'll are such a wonderful inspiration to all who know you. Big, Big hugs and lots of love.

Mary Lee & Tom

Robin said...

Awwwwww....such wonderful news!!!! A rat?!?!?! Eating through your jeep wires?!?!?!?!

Chloanne said...

Thank you for sharing, Liz. Sounds like rays of sunshine and Sonshine are bringing back some Shalom to you and desires to begin again. The nature pictures are beautiful and the inside-your-house pictures announce that it will soon have the warmth of home again.

Isaiah 43:1 " . . this is what the LORD says--
. . . "Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire [or electricity],
you will not be burned; . . .
3 For I Am the LORD, your God,
4 . . and because I love you."

Love you,

Liz Cheever said...

Hi Liz,
Praying for you to get through this. We have replaced all of our downstairs with tile because we were flooded out last year. It is hard to go through, but so beautiful when it is over!! Hang in there my friend! Someday I would love see you again! Take care,
Elizabeth (Liz)